‘IQ & SES’ directory
See Also
- “History’s Masters: The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance ”, Ottinger & Voigtländer 2025
- “Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps ”, Flinn et al 2025
- “Genetic Modifiers of Rare Variants in Monogenic Developmental Disorder Loci ”, Kingdom et al 2024
- “The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills ”, Houmark et al 2024
- “Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socioeconomic Health Gradient ”, Kweon et al 2024
- “A Contemporary Look at the Relationship Between General Cognitive Ability and Job Performance ”, Sackett et al 2023
- “Genetic Influences on Educational Attainment Through the Lens of the Evolving Swedish Welfare State: A Cross-Level Gene-Environment Interaction Study Based on Polygenic Indices and Longitudinal Register Data ”, Pettersson 2023
- “The Association between Intelligence and Financial Literacy: A Conceptual and Meta-Analytic Review ”, Callis et al 2023
- “Has Cognitive Ability Become More Important for Education and the Labor Market? A Comparison of the Project Talent and 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohorts ”, Marks 2023
- “General Intelligence, Personality Traits, and Motivation As Predictors of Performance, Potential, and Rate of Advancement of Royal Navy Senior Officers ”, Young & Dulewicz 2023
- “(Not Just) Intelligence Stratifies the Occupational Hierarchy: Ranking 360 Professions by IQ and Non-Cognitive Traits ”, Wolfram 2023
- “Long-Run Trends in the U.S. SES—Achievement Gap ”, Hanushek et al 2022
- “Cognitive Ability Has Powerful, Widespread and Robust Effects on Social Stratification: Evidence from the 1979 and 1997 US National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth ”, Marks 2022
- “Molecular Genetics and Mid-Career Economic Mobility ”, Minard 2022
- “Personality Traits and Cognitive Ability in Political Selection ”, Jokela et al 2022 (page 3)
- “Smart People Know How the Economy Works: Cognitive Ability, Economic Knowledge and Financial Literacy ”, Lin & Bates 2022
- “Human Brain Anatomy Reflects Separable Genetic and Environmental Components of Socioeconomic Status ”, Kweon et al 2022
- “The Claim That Personality Is More Important Than Intelligence in Predicting Important Life Outcomes Has Been Greatly Exaggerated ”, Zisman & Ganzach 2022
- “Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Relationship Between Children?s Early Literacy Skills and Third-Grade Outcomes: Lessons From a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment ”, Herring et al 2022
- “Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability ”, McGue et al 2022
- “Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Are More Important Than SES for Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study ”, O’Connell & Marks 2022
- “Genetics, Leadership Position, and Well-Being: An Investigation With a Large-Scale GWAS ”, Song et al 2022
- “30 Years of Research on General and Specific Abilities: Still Not Much More Than g ”, Ree & Carretta 2022
- “Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Meta-Analytic Evidence for the Validity of Narrow Cognitive Abilities ”, Nye et al 2022b
- “Educational Attainment, Health Outcomes and Mortality: a Within-Sibship Mendelian Randomization Study ”, Howe et al 2022
- “Predicting Educational and Social-Emotional Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood From Intelligence, Personality, and Socioeconomic Status ”, Haider & Stumm 2022
- “Patience and Comparative Development ”, Sunde et al 2021
- “Exploring the Relationships between Autozygosity, Educational Attainment, and Cognitive Ability in a Contemporary, Trans-Ancestral American Sample ”, Colbert et al 2021
- “No Evidence for Cumulating Socioeconomic Advantage. Ability Explains Increasing SES Effects With Age on Children’s Domain Test Scores ”, Marks & O’Connell 2021b
- “Using Genes to Explore the Effects of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Education and Labor Market Outcomes ”, Buser et al 2021 (page 3)
- “Heritability × SES Interaction for IQ: Is It Present in US Adoption Studies? ”, Loehlin et al 2021
- “Is the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Student Achievement Causal? Considering Student and Parent Abilities ”, Marks 2021c
- “Inadequacies in the SES-Achievement Model: Evidence from PISA and Other Studies ”, Marks & O’Connell 2021
- “All Wealth Is Not Created Equal: Race, Parental Net Worth, and Children’s Achievement ”, Conwell & Ye 2021
- “Socioeconomic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences ”, Falk et al 2021
- “Modification of Heritability for Educational Attainment and Fluid Intelligence by Socioeconomic Deprivation in the UK Biobank ”, Rask-Andersen et al 2021
- “Intelligence, Health and Death ”, Deary et al 2021
- “Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation With Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation ”, Benjamin et al 2020
- “Genetic Fortune: Winning or Losing Education, Income, and Health ”, Kweon et al 2020 (page 4)
- “Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation ”, Sias et al 2020 (page 2)
- “In a Representative Sample Grit Has a Negligible Effect on Educational and Economic Success Compared to Intelligence ”, Zissman & Ganzach 2020
- “Prestige Matters: Wage Premium and Value Addition in Elite Colleges ”, Sekhri 2020
- “The Contribution of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills to Intergenerational Social Mobility ”, McGue et al 2020
- “Forethought and Intelligence: How Conscientiousness, Future Planning, and General Mental Ability Predict Net Worth ”, Shaffer 2020
- “Sex-Biased Reduction in Reproductive Success Drives Selective Constraint on Human Genes ”, Gardner et al 2020
- “The Long-Term Health Effects of Attending a Selective School: a Natural Experiment ”, Butler et al 2020
- “Genetic Endowments and Wealth Inequality ”, Barth et al 2020
- “Can You Ever Be Too Smart for Your Own Good? Linear and Nonlinear Effects of Cognitive Ability ”, Brown et al 2020b
- “Clustering of Health, Crime and Social-Welfare Inequality in 4 Million Citizens from Two Nations ”, Richmond-Rakerd et al 2020
- “Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies Molecular Systems and 149 Genetic Loci Associated With Income ”, Hill et al 2019
- “Multivariable G-E Interplay in the Prediction of Educational Achievement ”, Allegrini et al 2019
- “Non-Cognitive Skills: How Much Do They Matter for Earnings in Canada? ”, McLean et al 2019
- “Predicting Educational Achievement from Genomic Measures and Socioeconomic Status ”, Stumm et al 2019
- “Toward an Understanding of the Development of Time Preferences: Evidence from Field Experiments ”, Andreoni et al 2019
- “Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions ”, Proto et al 2019
- “Risk Aversion, Patience and Intelligence: Evidence Based on Macro Data ”, Potrafke 2019
- “Genetic Analysis Identifies Molecular Systems and Biological Pathways Associated With Household Income ”, Hill et al 2019
- “Intelligence As a Predictor of Social Mobility in Estonia ”, Anni & Mõttus 2019
- “Factors Influencing Adult Savings and Investment: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample ”, Furnham & Cheng 2019
- “General Mental Ability and Specific Abilities: Their Relative Importance for Extrinsic Career Success ”, Lang & Kell 2019
- “Are CEOs Born Leaders? Lessons from Traits of a Million Individuals ”, Adams et al 2018
- “Genes, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study ”, Papageorge & Thom 2018
- “Genetic Analysis of Social-Class Mobility in Five Longitudinal Studies ”, Belsky et al 2018
- “The Cynical Genius Illusion: Exploring and Debunking Lay Beliefs About Cynicism and Competence ”, Stavrova & Ehlebracht 2018
- “Personality, IQ, and Lifetime Earnings ”, Gensowski 2018
- “Global Determinants of Navigation Ability ”, Coutrot et al 2018
- “Wages, Mental Abilities and Assessments in Large Scale International Surveys: Still Not Much More Than G ”, Ganzach & Patel 2018
- “Low IQ As a Predictor of Unsuccessful Educational and Occupational Achievement: A Register-Based Study of 1,098,742 Men in Denmark 1968–2016 ”, Hegelund et al 2018
- “FLynn-Effect and Economic Growth: Do National Increases in Intelligence Lead to Increases in GDP? ”, Rindermann & Becker 2018
- “Investigating the Right Tail of Wealth: Education, Cognitive Ability, Giving, Network Power, Gender, Ethnicity, Leadership, and Other Characteristics ”, Wai & Lincoln 2018b
- “Possible Economic Benefits of Full-Grade Acceleration ”, Warne 2017
- “The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market ”, Deming 2017
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Household Financial Distress ”, Xu et al 2017
- “The Causal Effects of Education on Health, Mortality, Cognition, Well-Being, and Income in the UK Biobank ”, Davies et al 2016
- “What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies ”, Briley et al 2016
- “When Lightning Strikes Twice ”, Makel et al 2016
- “The Genetics of Success: How Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Educational Attainment Relate to Life-Course Development ”, Belsky et al 2016
- “Molecular Genetic Contributions to Social Deprivation and Household Income in UK Biobank (n = 112,151) ”, Hill et al 2016
- “IQ and Socio-Economic Development across Local Authorities of the UK ”, Carl 2016
- “Regional Differences in Intelligence, Infant Mortality, Stature and Fertility in European Russia in the Late 19th Century ”, Grigoriev et al 2016
- “What Grades and Achievement Tests Measure ”, Borghans et al 2016
- “Childhood Forecasting of a Small Segment of the Population With Large Economic Burden ”, Caspi et al 2016
- “Costs and Benefits of Iodine Supplementation for Pregnant Women in a Mildly to Moderately Iodine-Deficient Population: a Modeling Analysis ”, Monahan et al 2015
- “Intelligence and Criminal Behavior in a Total Birth Cohort: An Examination of Functional Form, Dimensions of Intelligence, and the Nature of Offending ”, Schwartz et al 2015
- “IQ And Socioeconomic Development Across Regions Of The UK ”, Carl 2015
- “Genetic Link between Family Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Educational Achievement Estimated from Genome-Wide SNPs ”, Krapohl & Plomin 2015
- “Are School-SES Effects Statistical Artefacts? Evidence from Longitudinal Population Data ”, Marks 2015
- “Differences in Cognitive Ability, per Capita Income, Infant Mortality, Fertility and Latitude across the States of India ”, Lynn & Yadav 2015
- “The Path and Performance of a Company Leader: A Historical Examination of the Education and Cognitive Ability of Fortune 500 CEOs ”, Wai & Rindermann 2015
- “Returns to Skills around the World: Evidence from PIAAC ”, Hanushek et al 2015
- “The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination ”, Castex & Dechter 2014
- “Friends or Family? Revisiting the Effects of High School Popularity on Adult Earnings ”, Fletcher 2014
- “Student Abilities during the Expansion of US Education ”, Hendricks & Schoellman 2014
- “Back to the ‘Normal’ Level of Human-Capital Driven Growth ”, user 2014
- “MQ (54) LIV 3&4 Contents ”, RupertPearson 2014
- “Genetic Influence on Family Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Intelligence ”, Trzaskowski et al 2014
- “Who Rises to the Top?: Early Indicators ”, Kell et al 2013
- “Investigating America’s Elite: Cognitive Ability, Education, and Sex Differences ”, Wai 2013
- “Differences in Intelligence across Thirty-One Regions of China and Their Economic and Demographic Correlates ”, Lynn & Cheng 2013
- “Cognitive Abilities and Household Financial Decision Making ”, Agarwal & Mazumder 2013
- “Does Intelligence Boost Happiness? Smartness of All Pays More Than Being Smarter Than Others ”, Veenhoven & Choi 2012
- “IQ, Trading Behavior, and Performance ”, Grinblatt et al 2012
- “Differences in Achievement Not in Intelligence in the North and South of Italy: Comments on Lynn (2010a, 2010b) ”, D’Amico et al 2012
- “MQ LII 3&4 Editorial Page ”, RupertPearson 2012
- “Intellectual Classes, Technological Progress and Economic Development: The Rise of Cognitive Capitalism ”, Rindermann 2012
- “National IQ and National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia ”, Jones 2011
- “Cognitive Capitalism: The Effect of Cognitive Ability on Wealth, As Mediated Through Scientific Achievement and Economic Freedom ”, Rindermann & Thompson 2011
- “The Effects of Education, Personality, and IQ on Earnings of High-Ability Men ”, Gensowski et al 2011
- “Myth and Reality: A Response to Lynn on the Determinants of Italy's North–South Imbalances ”, Felice & Giugliano 2011
- “The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment ”, Lindqvist & Vestman 2011
- “JSPES 36—4 Contents and Editorial Page ”, RupertPearson 2011
- “The Returns to Cognitive Abilities and Personality Traits in Germany ”, Heineck & Anger 2010
- “Do Differences in IQ Predict Italian North–south Differences in Income? A Methodological Critique to Lynn ”, Beraldo 2010
- “Project A: 12 Years of R&D ”, Campbell & Knapp 2010
- “The Mean Southern Italian Children IQ Is Not Particularly Low: A Reply to R. Lynn (2010) ”, Cornoldi et al 2010
- “Why National IQs Do Not Support Evolutionary Theories of Intelligence ”, Wicherts et al 2010
- “Cognitive Skills Affect Economic Preferences, Strategic Behavior, and Job Attachment ”, Burks et al 2009
- “IQ and Immigration Policy ”, jason.richwine 2009
- “The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions over the Life Cycle and Implications for Regulation ”, Agarwal et al 2009
- “Spatial Ability for STEM Domains: Aligning over 50 Years of Cumulative Psychological Knowledge Solidifies Its Importance ”, Wai et al 2009
- “The Role of Cognitive Skills in Economic Development ”, Hanushek & Woessmann 2008
- “IQ and Wealth: The Dumb Rich and the Smart Poor ”
- “Intelligence, Human Capital, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach ”, Jones & Schneider 2006
- “IQ in the Ramsey Model: A Naïve Calibration ”, Jones 2006
- “IQ and Income Inequality in a Sample of Sibling Pairs from Advantaged Family Backgrounds ”, Murray 2002
- “Meritocracy, Cognitive Ability, and the Sources of Occupational Success ”, Hauser 2002
- “Economic Gains Resulting from the Reduction in Children’s Exposure to Lead in the United States ”, Grosse et al 2002
- “Economic Gains Resulting from the Reduction in Children’s Exposure to Lead in the United States ”, Grosse et al 2002
- “IQ, Academic Performance, Environment and Earnings ”, Zax & Rees 2001
- “The Personal Discount Rate: Evidence from Military Downsizing Programs ”, Warner & Pleeter 2001
- “Valuing Children's Health: A Reassessment of the Benefits of Lower Lead Levels ”, Lutter 2000
- “Why g Matters: The Complexity of Everyday Life ”, Gottfredson 1997
- “Does Genetic Variance for Cognitive Abilities Account for Genetic Variance in Educational Achievement and Occupational Status? A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Twins Reared Together ”, Lichtenstein & Pedersen 1997
- “Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations ”, Murphy et al 1996
- “The Role of Premarket Factors in Black-White Wage Differences ”, Neal & Johnson 1996
- “Societal Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure ”, Schwartz 1994
- “Validity of the GRE without Restriction of Range ”, Huitema & Stein 1993
- “Project A Validity Results: The Relationship Between Predictor And Criterion Domains ”, McHenry et al 1990
- “Individual Differences in Output Variability As a Function of Job Complexity ”, Hunter et al 1990
- “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariance between Occupational Status, Educational Attainment, and IQ: A Study of Twins ”, Tambs et al 1989
- “Meta-Analyses Of Validity Studies Published Between 1964 And 1982 And The Investigation Of Study Characteristics ”
- “The Social Ecology of Intelligence in France ”
- “The Social Ecology of Intelligence in the British Isles ”
- “Social Mobility and the Genetic Structure of Populations ”, Gibson 1973
- “Biological Aspects of a High Socio-Economic Group II. IQ Components and Social Mobility ”, Gibson & Mascie-Taylor 1973b
- “Education, Income, and Ability ”, Griliches & Mason 1972
- “On the Statistics of Individual Variations of Productivity in Research Laboratories ”, Shockley 1957
- “The Relation Between Inbreeding and Intelligence ”, Asdell 1948
- “Ability and Income ”, Burt 1943
- The Backwards Child, Burt 1923
- “Intelligence and Leadership: A Quantitative Review and Test of Theoretical Propositions ”
- “Studies in Individual Differences: the Search for Intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § Pg172 ”
- “Studies in Individual Differences: the Search for Intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § Pg176 ”
- “Copenhagen Consensus—Challenges and Opportunities: Hunger and Malnutrition ”
- “A Meta-Analysis of Work Sample Test Validity: Updating and Integrating Some Classic Literature ”
- “IQ and Permanent Income: Sizing Up the ‘IQ Paradox’ ”
- “Earnings Effects of Personality, Education and IQ for the Gifted ”
- “Inequality among 32 London Boroughs: An S Factor Analysis ”
- “Are Terrorists Stupid? ”
- “Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel: A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance ”
- “Japanese North-South Gradient in IQ Predicts Differences in Stature, Skin Color, Income, and Homicide Rate ”
- “Molecular Genetic Contributions to Socioeconomic Status and Intelligence ”
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
“History’s Masters: The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance ”, Ottinger & Voigtländer 2025
History’s Masters: The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance
“Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps ”, Flinn et al 2025
Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps
“Genetic Modifiers of Rare Variants in Monogenic Developmental Disorder Loci ”, Kingdom et al 2024
Genetic modifiers of rare variants in monogenic developmental disorder loci
“The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills ”, Houmark et al 2024
“Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socioeconomic Health Gradient ”, Kweon et al 2024
“A Contemporary Look at the Relationship Between General Cognitive Ability and Job Performance ”, Sackett et al 2023
A Contemporary Look at the Relationship Between General Cognitive Ability and Job Performance
“Genetic Influences on Educational Attainment Through the Lens of the Evolving Swedish Welfare State: A Cross-Level Gene-Environment Interaction Study Based on Polygenic Indices and Longitudinal Register Data ”, Pettersson 2023
“The Association between Intelligence and Financial Literacy: A Conceptual and Meta-Analytic Review ”, Callis et al 2023
The association between intelligence and financial literacy: A conceptual and meta-analytic review
“Has Cognitive Ability Become More Important for Education and the Labor Market? A Comparison of the Project Talent and 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohorts ”, Marks 2023
“General Intelligence, Personality Traits, and Motivation As Predictors of Performance, Potential, and Rate of Advancement of Royal Navy Senior Officers ”, Young & Dulewicz 2023
“(Not Just) Intelligence Stratifies the Occupational Hierarchy: Ranking 360 Professions by IQ and Non-Cognitive Traits ”, Wolfram 2023
“Long-Run Trends in the U.S. SES—Achievement Gap ”, Hanushek et al 2022
“Cognitive Ability Has Powerful, Widespread and Robust Effects on Social Stratification: Evidence from the 1979 and 1997 US National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth ”, Marks 2022
“Molecular Genetics and Mid-Career Economic Mobility ”, Minard 2022
“Personality Traits and Cognitive Ability in Political Selection ”, Jokela et al 2022 (page 3)
Personality Traits and Cognitive Ability in Political Selection
“Smart People Know How the Economy Works: Cognitive Ability, Economic Knowledge and Financial Literacy ”, Lin & Bates 2022
“Human Brain Anatomy Reflects Separable Genetic and Environmental Components of Socioeconomic Status ”, Kweon et al 2022
Human brain anatomy reflects separable genetic and environmental components of socioeconomic status
“The Claim That Personality Is More Important Than Intelligence in Predicting Important Life Outcomes Has Been Greatly Exaggerated ”, Zisman & Ganzach 2022
“Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Relationship Between Children?s Early Literacy Skills and Third-Grade Outcomes: Lessons From a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment ”, Herring et al 2022
“Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability ”, McGue et al 2022
“Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Are More Important Than SES for Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study ”, O’Connell & Marks 2022
“Genetics, Leadership Position, and Well-Being: An Investigation With a Large-Scale GWAS ”, Song et al 2022
Genetics, leadership position, and well-being: An investigation with a large-scale GWAS
“30 Years of Research on General and Specific Abilities: Still Not Much More Than g ”, Ree & Carretta 2022
30 years of research on general and specific abilities: Still not much more than g
“Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Meta-Analytic Evidence for the Validity of Narrow Cognitive Abilities ”, Nye et al 2022b
“Educational Attainment, Health Outcomes and Mortality: a Within-Sibship Mendelian Randomization Study ”, Howe et al 2022
“Predicting Educational and Social-Emotional Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood From Intelligence, Personality, and Socioeconomic Status ”, Haider & Stumm 2022
“Patience and Comparative Development ”, Sunde et al 2021
“Exploring the Relationships between Autozygosity, Educational Attainment, and Cognitive Ability in a Contemporary, Trans-Ancestral American Sample ”, Colbert et al 2021
“No Evidence for Cumulating Socioeconomic Advantage. Ability Explains Increasing SES Effects With Age on Children’s Domain Test Scores ”, Marks & O’Connell 2021b
“Using Genes to Explore the Effects of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Education and Labor Market Outcomes ”, Buser et al 2021 (page 3)
“Heritability × SES Interaction for IQ: Is It Present in US Adoption Studies? ”, Loehlin et al 2021
Heritability × SES Interaction for IQ: Is it Present in US Adoption Studies?
“Is the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Student Achievement Causal? Considering Student and Parent Abilities ”, Marks 2021c
“Inadequacies in the SES-Achievement Model: Evidence from PISA and Other Studies ”, Marks & O’Connell 2021
Inadequacies in the SES-Achievement model: Evidence from PISA and other studies
“All Wealth Is Not Created Equal: Race, Parental Net Worth, and Children’s Achievement ”, Conwell & Ye 2021
All Wealth Is Not Created Equal: Race, Parental Net Worth, and Children’s Achievement
“Socioeconomic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences ”, Falk et al 2021
Socioeconomic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences
“Modification of Heritability for Educational Attainment and Fluid Intelligence by Socioeconomic Deprivation in the UK Biobank ”, Rask-Andersen et al 2021
“Intelligence, Health and Death ”, Deary et al 2021
“Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation With Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation ”, Benjamin et al 2020
“Genetic Fortune: Winning or Losing Education, Income, and Health ”, Kweon et al 2020 (page 4)
Genetic Fortune: Winning or Losing Education, Income, and Health
“Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation ”, Sias et al 2020 (page 2)
Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation
“In a Representative Sample Grit Has a Negligible Effect on Educational and Economic Success Compared to Intelligence ”, Zissman & Ganzach 2020
“Prestige Matters: Wage Premium and Value Addition in Elite Colleges ”, Sekhri 2020
Prestige Matters: Wage Premium and Value Addition in Elite Colleges
“The Contribution of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills to Intergenerational Social Mobility ”, McGue et al 2020
The Contribution of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills to Intergenerational Social Mobility
“Forethought and Intelligence: How Conscientiousness, Future Planning, and General Mental Ability Predict Net Worth ”, Shaffer 2020
“Sex-Biased Reduction in Reproductive Success Drives Selective Constraint on Human Genes ”, Gardner et al 2020
Sex-biased reduction in reproductive success drives selective constraint on human genes
“The Long-Term Health Effects of Attending a Selective School: a Natural Experiment ”, Butler et al 2020
The long-term health effects of attending a selective school: a natural experiment
“Genetic Endowments and Wealth Inequality ”, Barth et al 2020
“Can You Ever Be Too Smart for Your Own Good? Linear and Nonlinear Effects of Cognitive Ability ”, Brown et al 2020b
Can You Ever Be Too Smart for Your Own Good? Linear and Nonlinear Effects of Cognitive Ability
“Clustering of Health, Crime and Social-Welfare Inequality in 4 Million Citizens from Two Nations ”, Richmond-Rakerd et al 2020
Clustering of health, crime and social-welfare inequality in 4 million citizens from two nations
“Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies Molecular Systems and 149 Genetic Loci Associated With Income ”, Hill et al 2019
Genome-wide analysis identifies molecular systems and 149 genetic loci associated with income
“Multivariable G-E Interplay in the Prediction of Educational Achievement ”, Allegrini et al 2019
Multivariable G-E interplay in the prediction of educational achievement
“Non-Cognitive Skills: How Much Do They Matter for Earnings in Canada? ”, McLean et al 2019
Non-Cognitive Skills: How Much Do They Matter for Earnings in Canada?
“Predicting Educational Achievement from Genomic Measures and Socioeconomic Status ”, Stumm et al 2019
Predicting educational achievement from genomic measures and socioeconomic status
“Toward an Understanding of the Development of Time Preferences: Evidence from Field Experiments ”, Andreoni et al 2019
Toward an understanding of the development of time preferences: Evidence from field experiments
“Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions ”, Proto et al 2019
Intelligence, Personality, and Gains from Cooperation in Repeated Interactions
“Risk Aversion, Patience and Intelligence: Evidence Based on Macro Data ”, Potrafke 2019
Risk aversion, patience and intelligence: Evidence based on macro data
“Genetic Analysis Identifies Molecular Systems and Biological Pathways Associated With Household Income ”, Hill et al 2019
“Intelligence As a Predictor of Social Mobility in Estonia ”, Anni & Mõttus 2019
“Factors Influencing Adult Savings and Investment: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample ”, Furnham & Cheng 2019
Factors influencing adult savings and investment: Findings from a nationally representative sample
“General Mental Ability and Specific Abilities: Their Relative Importance for Extrinsic Career Success ”, Lang & Kell 2019
“Are CEOs Born Leaders? Lessons from Traits of a Million Individuals ”, Adams et al 2018
Are CEOs Born Leaders? Lessons from Traits of a Million Individuals
“Genes, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study ”, Papageorge & Thom 2018
Genes, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
“Genetic Analysis of Social-Class Mobility in Five Longitudinal Studies ”, Belsky et al 2018
Genetic analysis of social-class mobility in five longitudinal studies
“The Cynical Genius Illusion: Exploring and Debunking Lay Beliefs About Cynicism and Competence ”, Stavrova & Ehlebracht 2018
The Cynical Genius Illusion: Exploring and Debunking Lay Beliefs About Cynicism and Competence
“Personality, IQ, and Lifetime Earnings ”, Gensowski 2018
“Global Determinants of Navigation Ability ”, Coutrot et al 2018
Global Determinants of Navigation Ability
“Wages, Mental Abilities and Assessments in Large Scale International Surveys: Still Not Much More Than G ”, Ganzach & Patel 2018
“Low IQ As a Predictor of Unsuccessful Educational and Occupational Achievement: A Register-Based Study of 1,098,742 Men in Denmark 1968–2016 ”, Hegelund et al 2018
“FLynn-Effect and Economic Growth: Do National Increases in Intelligence Lead to Increases in GDP? ”, Rindermann & Becker 2018
FLynn-effect and economic growth: Do national increases in intelligence lead to increases in GDP?
“Investigating the Right Tail of Wealth: Education, Cognitive Ability, Giving, Network Power, Gender, Ethnicity, Leadership, and Other Characteristics ”, Wai & Lincoln 2018b
“Possible Economic Benefits of Full-Grade Acceleration ”, Warne 2017
“The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market ”, Deming 2017
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Household Financial Distress ”, Xu et al 2017
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Household Financial Distress
“The Causal Effects of Education on Health, Mortality, Cognition, Well-Being, and Income in the UK Biobank ”, Davies et al 2016
“What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies ”, Briley et al 2016
What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies
“When Lightning Strikes Twice ”, Makel et al 2016
“The Genetics of Success: How Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Educational Attainment Relate to Life-Course Development ”, Belsky et al 2016
“Molecular Genetic Contributions to Social Deprivation and Household Income in UK Biobank (n = 112,151) ”, Hill et al 2016
“IQ and Socio-Economic Development across Local Authorities of the UK ”, Carl 2016
IQ and socio-economic development across local authorities of the UK
“Regional Differences in Intelligence, Infant Mortality, Stature and Fertility in European Russia in the Late 19th Century ”, Grigoriev et al 2016
“What Grades and Achievement Tests Measure ”, Borghans et al 2016
“Childhood Forecasting of a Small Segment of the Population With Large Economic Burden ”, Caspi et al 2016
Childhood forecasting of a small segment of the population with large economic burden
“Costs and Benefits of Iodine Supplementation for Pregnant Women in a Mildly to Moderately Iodine-Deficient Population: a Modeling Analysis ”, Monahan et al 2015
“Intelligence and Criminal Behavior in a Total Birth Cohort: An Examination of Functional Form, Dimensions of Intelligence, and the Nature of Offending ”, Schwartz et al 2015
“IQ And Socioeconomic Development Across Regions Of The UK ”, Carl 2015
“Genetic Link between Family Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Educational Achievement Estimated from Genome-Wide SNPs ”, Krapohl & Plomin 2015
“Are School-SES Effects Statistical Artefacts? Evidence from Longitudinal Population Data ”, Marks 2015
Are school-SES effects statistical artefacts? Evidence from longitudinal population data
“Differences in Cognitive Ability, per Capita Income, Infant Mortality, Fertility and Latitude across the States of India ”, Lynn & Yadav 2015
“The Path and Performance of a Company Leader: A Historical Examination of the Education and Cognitive Ability of Fortune 500 CEOs ”, Wai & Rindermann 2015
“Returns to Skills around the World: Evidence from PIAAC ”, Hanushek et al 2015
“The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination ”, Castex & Dechter 2014
The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination
“Friends or Family? Revisiting the Effects of High School Popularity on Adult Earnings ”, Fletcher 2014
Friends or family? Revisiting the effects of high school popularity on adult earnings
“Student Abilities during the Expansion of US Education ”, Hendricks & Schoellman 2014
“Back to the ‘Normal’ Level of Human-Capital Driven Growth ”, user 2014
Back to the ‘Normal’ Level of Human-Capital Driven Growth
“MQ (54) LIV 3&4 Contents ”, RupertPearson 2014
“Genetic Influence on Family Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Intelligence ”, Trzaskowski et al 2014
Genetic influence on family socioeconomic status and children’s intelligence
“Who Rises to the Top?: Early Indicators ”, Kell et al 2013
“Investigating America’s Elite: Cognitive Ability, Education, and Sex Differences ”, Wai 2013
Investigating America’s elite: Cognitive ability, education, and sex differences
“Differences in Intelligence across Thirty-One Regions of China and Their Economic and Demographic Correlates ”, Lynn & Cheng 2013
“Cognitive Abilities and Household Financial Decision Making ”, Agarwal & Mazumder 2013
“Does Intelligence Boost Happiness? Smartness of All Pays More Than Being Smarter Than Others ”, Veenhoven & Choi 2012
Does intelligence boost happiness? Smartness of all pays more than being smarter than others
“IQ, Trading Behavior, and Performance ”, Grinblatt et al 2012
“Differences in Achievement Not in Intelligence in the North and South of Italy: Comments on Lynn (2010a, 2010b) ”, D’Amico et al 2012
“MQ LII 3&4 Editorial Page ”, RupertPearson 2012
“Intellectual Classes, Technological Progress and Economic Development: The Rise of Cognitive Capitalism ”, Rindermann 2012
“National IQ and National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia ”, Jones 2011
National IQ and National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia
“Cognitive Capitalism: The Effect of Cognitive Ability on Wealth, As Mediated Through Scientific Achievement and Economic Freedom ”, Rindermann & Thompson 2011
“The Effects of Education, Personality, and IQ on Earnings of High-Ability Men ”, Gensowski et al 2011
The Effects of Education, Personality, and IQ on Earnings of High-Ability Men
“Myth and Reality: A Response to Lynn on the Determinants of Italy's North–South Imbalances ”, Felice & Giugliano 2011
Myth and reality: A response to Lynn on the determinants of Italy's North–South imbalances
“The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment ”, Lindqvist & Vestman 2011
The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment
“JSPES 36—4 Contents and Editorial Page ”, RupertPearson 2011
JSPES 36—4 contents and editorial page
“The Returns to Cognitive Abilities and Personality Traits in Germany ”, Heineck & Anger 2010
The returns to cognitive abilities and personality traits in Germany
“Do Differences in IQ Predict Italian North–south Differences in Income? A Methodological Critique to Lynn ”, Beraldo 2010
“Project A: 12 Years of R&D ”, Campbell & Knapp 2010
“The Mean Southern Italian Children IQ Is Not Particularly Low: A Reply to R. Lynn (2010) ”, Cornoldi et al 2010
The mean Southern Italian children IQ is not particularly low: A reply to R. Lynn (2010)
“Why National IQs Do Not Support Evolutionary Theories of Intelligence ”, Wicherts et al 2010
Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of intelligence
“Cognitive Skills Affect Economic Preferences, Strategic Behavior, and Job Attachment ”, Burks et al 2009
Cognitive skills affect economic preferences, strategic behavior, and job attachment
“IQ and Immigration Policy ”, jason.richwine 2009
“The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions over the Life Cycle and Implications for Regulation ”, Agarwal et al 2009
The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions over the Life Cycle and Implications for Regulation
“Spatial Ability for STEM Domains: Aligning over 50 Years of Cumulative Psychological Knowledge Solidifies Its Importance ”, Wai et al 2009
“The Role of Cognitive Skills in Economic Development ”, Hanushek & Woessmann 2008
“IQ and Wealth: The Dumb Rich and the Smart Poor ”
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“IQ in the Ramsey Model: A Naïve Calibration ”, Jones 2006
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IQ and Income Inequality in a Sample of Sibling Pairs from Advantaged Family Backgrounds
“Meritocracy, Cognitive Ability, and the Sources of Occupational Success ”, Hauser 2002
Meritocracy, Cognitive Ability, and the Sources of Occupational Success
“Economic Gains Resulting from the Reduction in Children’s Exposure to Lead in the United States ”, Grosse et al 2002
Economic gains resulting from the reduction in children’s exposure to lead in the United States
“Economic Gains Resulting from the Reduction in Children’s Exposure to Lead in the United States ”, Grosse et al 2002
Economic gains resulting from the reduction in children’s exposure to lead in the United States
“IQ, Academic Performance, Environment and Earnings ”, Zax & Rees 2001
“The Personal Discount Rate: Evidence from Military Downsizing Programs ”, Warner & Pleeter 2001
The Personal Discount Rate: Evidence from Military Downsizing Programs
“Valuing Children's Health: A Reassessment of the Benefits of Lower Lead Levels ”, Lutter 2000
Valuing Children's Health: A Reassessment of the Benefits of Lower Lead Levels
“Why g Matters: The Complexity of Everyday Life ”, Gottfredson 1997
“Does Genetic Variance for Cognitive Abilities Account for Genetic Variance in Educational Achievement and Occupational Status? A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Twins Reared Together ”, Lichtenstein & Pedersen 1997
“Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations ”, Murphy et al 1996
“The Role of Premarket Factors in Black-White Wage Differences ”, Neal & Johnson 1996
The Role of Premarket Factors in Black-White Wage Differences
“Societal Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure ”, Schwartz 1994
“Validity of the GRE without Restriction of Range ”, Huitema & Stein 1993
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Project A Validity Results: The Relationship Between Predictor And Criterion Domains
“Individual Differences in Output Variability As a Function of Job Complexity ”, Hunter et al 1990
Individual Differences in Output Variability as a Function of Job Complexity
“Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariance between Occupational Status, Educational Attainment, and IQ: A Study of Twins ”, Tambs et al 1989
“Meta-Analyses Of Validity Studies Published Between 1964 And 1982 And The Investigation Of Study Characteristics ”
“The Social Ecology of Intelligence in France ”
The social ecology of intelligence in France
“The Social Ecology of Intelligence in the British Isles ”
The social ecology of intelligence in the British Isles
“Social Mobility and the Genetic Structure of Populations ”, Gibson 1973
“Biological Aspects of a High Socio-Economic Group II. IQ Components and Social Mobility ”, Gibson & Mascie-Taylor 1973b
Biological aspects of a high socio-economic group II. IQ Components and Social Mobility
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“On the Statistics of Individual Variations of Productivity in Research Laboratories ”, Shockley 1957
On the Statistics of Individual Variations of Productivity in Research Laboratories
“The Relation Between Inbreeding and Intelligence ”, Asdell 1948
“Ability and Income ”, Burt 1943
The Backwards Child, Burt 1923
“Intelligence and Leadership: A Quantitative Review and Test of Theoretical Propositions ”
Intelligence and leadership: A quantitative review and test of theoretical propositions
“Studies in Individual Differences: the Search for Intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § Pg172 ”
Studies in individual differences: the search for intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § pg172
“Studies in Individual Differences: the Search for Intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § Pg176 ”
Studies in individual differences: the search for intelligence: Jenkins, James J. § pg176
“Copenhagen Consensus—Challenges and Opportunities: Hunger and Malnutrition ”
Copenhagen Consensus—Challenges and Opportunities: Hunger and Malnutrition
“A Meta-Analysis of Work Sample Test Validity: Updating and Integrating Some Classic Literature ”
A Meta-analysis of work sample test validity: Updating and integrating some classic literature
“IQ and Permanent Income: Sizing Up the ‘IQ Paradox’ ”
IQ and Permanent Income: Sizing Up the ‘IQ Paradox’
“Earnings Effects of Personality, Education and IQ for the Gifted ”
Earnings effects of personality, education and IQ for the gifted
“Inequality among 32 London Boroughs: An S Factor Analysis ”
Inequality among 32 London Boroughs: An S factor analysis
“Are Terrorists Stupid? ”
“Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel: A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance ”
“Japanese North-South Gradient in IQ Predicts Differences in Stature, Skin Color, Income, and Homicide Rate ”
“Molecular Genetic Contributions to Socioeconomic Status and Intelligence ”
Molecular genetic contributions to socioeconomic status and intelligence
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