#!/usr/bin/env runghc {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where -- Read directories like "doc/iodine/" for its files, as well as any files/links with annotations & -- the tag 'iodine'; generate a list item with the abstract in a blockquote where available; the -- full list is then turned into a directory listing, which gets compiled with Hakyll and gets the -- usual popup annotations. We can then treat directories as 'tags', unifying two -- apparently-separate systems of organization. -- -- Very nifty. Much nicer than simply browsing a list of filenames or even the Google search of a -- directory (mostly showing random snippets). import Control.Monad (filterM, void, when) -- import Control.Monad.Parallel as Par (mapM_) import Data.List (elemIndex, isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, sortBy, (\\)) import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import qualified Data.Map as M (keys, lookup, filter, filterWithKey, fromList, toList) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Text as T (append, isInfixOf, pack, unpack, Text) import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesFileExist) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeFileName, splitPath) import Text.Pandoc (def, nullAttr, nullMeta, pandocExtensions, runPure, writeMarkdown, writerExtensions, Block(BulletList, Div, Header, Para, OrderedList), ListNumberDelim(DefaultDelim), ListNumberStyle(DefaultStyle), Format(Format), Inline(Code, Emph, Image, Link, Space, Span, Str, RawInline), Pandoc(Pandoc)) import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk) import LinkArchive (readArchiveMetadata, ArchiveMetadata) import LinkID (generateID, authorsToCite) import LinkMetadata as LM (readLinkMetadataSlow, generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock, hasAnnotation, annotateLink, lookupFallback, sortItemPathDateCreated, sortItemDateModified) import LinkMetadataTypes (Metadata, MetadataItem) import Tags (listTagDirectories, listTagDirectoriesAll, abbreviateTag) import LinkBacklink (getLinkBibLinkCheck) import Query (extractImages) import Typography (identUniquefy, titleWrap) import Metadata.Author (authorCollapse, extractTwitterUsername) import Utils (inlinesToText, replace, sed, writeUpdatedFile, printRed, toPandoc, anySuffix, delete) import Config.Misc as C (cd) import GenerateSimilar (sortSimilarsStartingWithNewestWithTag, readListName, readListSortedMagic, ListName, ListSortedMagic) import Config.GenerateSimilar as CGS (minTagAuto) -- import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow) main :: IO () main = do C.cd dirs <- getArgs -- result: '["doc/","doc/ai/","doc/ai/anime/","doc/ai/anime/danbooru/","doc/ai/dataset/", ..., "newsletter/2022/","nootropic/","note/","review/","zeo/"]' let newestp = any (`isInfixOf` "newest") dirs let dirs' = filter (/="doc/newest/") $ sort $ map (\dir -> sed "/index$" "" $ delete "/index.md" $ replace "//" "/" ((if "./" `isPrefixOf` dir then drop 2 dir else dir) ++ "/")) dirs meta <- readLinkMetadataSlow am <- readArchiveMetadata ldb <- readListName sortDB <- readListSortedMagic let chunkSize = 1 -- can't be >20 or else it'll OOM due to trying to force all the 100s of tag-directories in parallel let dirChunks = chunksOf chunkSize dirs' -- because of the expense of searching the annotation database for each tag, it's worth parallelizing as much as possible. (We could invert and do a single joint search, but at the cost of ruining our clear top-down parallel workflow.) Prelude.mapM_ (mapM_ (generateDirectory False am meta ldb sortDB dirs')) dirChunks -- Special-case directories: -- 'newest': the _n_ newest link annotations created -- Optimization: if there are only a few arguments, that means we are doing tag-directory development/debugging, and we should skip doing `/doc/newest` since we aren't going to look at it & it would increase runtime. when (length dirs > 5 || newestp) $ generateDirectory True am meta ldb sortDB ["doc/", "doc/newest/", "/"] "doc/newest/" generateDirectory :: Bool -> ArchiveMetadata -> Metadata -> ListName -> ListSortedMagic -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO () generateDirectory newestp am md ldb sortDB dirs dir'' = do -- remove the tag for *this* directory; it is redundant to display 'cat/psychology/drug/catnip' on every doc/link inside '/doc/cat/psychology/drug/catnip/index.md', after all. let tagSelf = if dir'' == "doc/" then "" else init $ delete "doc/" dir'' -- "doc/cat/psychology/drug/catnip/" → 'cat/psychology/drug/catnip' -- for the arabesque navbar 'previous'/'next', we want to fill more useful than the default values, but also not be too redundant with the up/sideways/downwards tag-directory links; so we pass in the (lexicographically) sorted list of all tag-directories being created this run, and try to provide previous/next links to the 'previous' and the 'next' directory, which may be a parent, sibling, or nothing at all. -- so eg. /doc/cryonics/index will point to `previous: /doc/crime/terrorism/index \n next: /doc/cs/index` let i = fromJust $ elemIndex dir'' dirs let (before,after) = splitAt i dirs let (previous,next) = if length dirs < 2 || before==after then ("","") else (if null before || last before == dir'' then "" else "previous: /"++last before++"index", if length after < 2 || (after !! 1) == dir'' then "" else "next: /"++(after !! 1)++"index") -- actual subdirectories: let parentDirectory = takeDirectory $ takeDirectory dir'' let parentDirectory' = if parentDirectory == "." then "/index" else "/" ++ parentDirectory ++ "/index" direntries <- fmap (filter (/="index.md")) $ -- filter out self listDirectory dir'' let direntries' = sort $ map (\entry -> "/"++dir''++entry) direntries -- subset the Metadata database down to just the relevant entries for this particular tag-directory -- handle the special-case of 'newest', which is a meta-tag-directory, so we need to process it down before passing it to `listTagged` (which needs to do a ton of I/O work) let md' = if not newestp then md else filterDbNewest 10 50 50 md tagged <- listTagged newestp md' (init dir'') -- We allow tags to be cross-listed, not just children. -- So '/doc/exercise/index' can be tagged with 'longevity', and it'll show up in the Directory section (not the Files/me section!) of '/doc/longevity/index'. -- This allows cross-references without requiring deep nesting—'longevity/exercise' might seem OK enough (although it runs roughshod over a lot of the links in there...), but what about if there was a third? Or fourth? let taggedDirs = sort $ map (\(f,_,_) -> f) $ filter (\(f,_,_) -> "/doc/"`isPrefixOf`f && "/index"`isSuffixOf`f && f `notElem` direntries') tagged -- we suppress what would be duplicate entries in the File/me section let taggedAll = filter (\(f,_,_) -> not ("/doc/"`isPrefixOf`f && "/index"`isSuffixOf`f)) tagged let taggedSelf = filter (\(_,(_,aut,_,_,_,_,_),_) -> aut `elem` ["Gwern", "gwern", "Gwern Branwen"]) taggedAll let tagged' = taggedAll \\ taggedSelf dirsChildren <- listTagDirectoriesAll [dir''] dirsSeeAlsos <- listTagDirectories False taggedDirs triplets <- listFiles md' direntries' let linksSelf = sortByDateModified taggedSelf -- newest first, to show recent additions let sorter = if newestp then sortByDateModified else sortByDatePublished let linksAll = sorter $ triplets++tagged' -- split into WP vs non-WP: let links = filter (\(f,_,_) -> not ("wikipedia.org/wiki/" `isInfixOf` f)) linksAll -- TODO: isWikipedia? let linksWP = linksAll \\ links when (not newestp && 0 == sum [length dirsChildren, length dirsSeeAlsos, length triplets, length linksAll, length linksSelf]) $ error $ "generateDirectory.listings: non-'newest' tag contained no directory children, see-also tags, files, annotations, or links? This would appear to be a meaningless tag; remove or populate it! : " ++ " : " ++ show dir'' -- walk the list of observed links and if they do not have an entry in the annotation database, try to create one now before doing any more work: Prelude.mapM_ (\(l,_,_) -> case M.lookup l md' of Nothing -> void $ annotateLink md' (Link nullAttr [] (T.pack l, "")) _ -> return () ) links -- a very long List can be hard to browse, and doesn't provide a useful ToC. If we have titles, we can use those as section headers. -- (Entries without even a title must be squashed into a list and chucked at the end.) let selfTitledLinks = map (\(f,a,_) -> (f,a)) $ filter (\(_,(t,_,_,_,_,_,_),_) -> t /= "") linksSelf let titledLinks = map (\(f,a,_) -> (f,a)) $ filter (\(_,(t,_,_,_,_,_,_),_) -> t /= "") links let untitledLinks = map (\(f,a,_) -> (f,a)) $ filter (\(_,(t,_,_,_,_,_,_),_) -> t == "") links titledLinksSorted <- if newestp then return [] -- sort-by-magic: NOTE: we skip clustering on the /doc/newest virtual-tag because by being so heterogeneous, the clusters are garbage compared to clustering within a regular tag, and can't be handled heuristically reasonably. else sortSimilarsStartingWithNewestWithTag ldb sortDB md' tagSelf titledLinks let selfLinksSection = generateSections' am 2 selfTitledLinks let titledLinksSections = generateSections am titledLinks titledLinksSorted (map (\(f,a,_) -> (f,a)) linksWP) let untitledLinksSection = generateListItems am untitledLinks -- take the first image as the 'thumbnail', and preserve any caption/alt text and use as 'thumbnail-text' let imageFirst = take 1 $ filter safeSVGNot $ -- SVGs break as page thumbnails in many previews, so we exclude them concatMap (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,_,abstract),_) -> extractImages $ toPandoc abstract) links let thumbnail = if null imageFirst then "" else "thumbnail: " ++ T.unpack (safeImageExtractURL (head imageFirst)) let thumbnailText = delete "fig:" $ if null imageFirst then "" else "thumbnail-text: '" ++ replace "'" "''" (T.unpack (safeImageExtractCaption (head imageFirst))) ++ "'" let header = generateYAMLHeader parentDirectory' previous next tagSelf (minimum $ getDatesModified links) (maximum $ getDatesModified links) (length (dirsChildren++dirsSeeAlsos), length titledLinks, length untitledLinks) thumbnail thumbnailText let sectionDirectoryChildren = generateDirectoryItems (Just parentDirectory') dir'' dirsChildren let sectionDirectorySeeAlsos = generateDirectoryItems Nothing dir'' dirsSeeAlsos let sectionDirectory = Div ("see-alsos", ["directory-indexes", "columns"], []) [BulletList $ sectionDirectoryChildren ++ sectionDirectorySeeAlsos] -- A tag index may have an optional Markdown essay/page explaining it; if it does, that is located at `/note/basename($TAG)`, and we transclude it at runtime. If there is no such `/note/`, then we fall back to checking for an entire top-level essay of the same name, `/basename($TAG)`, but that would be far too long to transclude as a whole, so we transclude the summary in that case. -- (If we desire to transclude an annotation but the top-level essay file does not exactly coincide with the tag-name, then the workaround is to simply create a `/note/basename($TAG)` which contains only a .include-annotation link in it.) abstract <- if not ("doc/" `isPrefixOf` dir'') then return [] else do let tagBase = takeDirectory $ last $ splitPath dir'' -- 'doc/cat/psychology/catnip/' -> 'catnip' let abstractf = "/note/" ++ tagBase --- construct absolute path in the final website, '/note/catnip' abstractp <- doesFileExist (tail abstractf ++ ".md") -- check existence of (relative) file, 'note/catnip.md' essayp <- doesFileExist (tagBase ++ ".md") return $ if abstractp then [Div ("manual-annotation", ["abstract", "abstract-tag-directory"], []) [Para [Link ("", ["include-content-core", "include-strict", "link-page"], []) [Str "[page summary]"] (T.pack abstractf, T.pack ("Transclude link for " ++ dir'' ++ " notes page."))]]] else if essayp then [Div ("manual-annotation", ["abstract", "abstract-tag-directory"], []) [Para [Link ("", ["include-annotation", "include-strict"], []) [Str "[essay on this tag topic]"] (T.pack ("/" ++ tagBase), T.pack ("Transclude link for " ++ dir'' ++ " annotation of essay on this topic."))]]] else [] let linkBibList = generateLinkBibliographyItems $ filter (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,_,_),lb) -> not (null lb)) links let body = abstract ++ [Header 1 nullAttr [Str "See Also"]] ++ [sectionDirectory] ++ (if null selfLinksSection then [] else [Para []] ++ [Header 1 ("", ["display-pop-not"], []) [Str "Gwern"]] ++ selfLinksSection) ++ (if null titledLinks then [] else -- NOTE: we need a
" ++ (if d=="" then "docs" else d) ++ "
, most recent first: " ++
(if directoryN == 0 then "" else "" ++ show directoryN ++ " related tag" ++ pl directoryN ++ "") ++
(if annotationN == 0 then "" else (if directoryN==0 then "" else ", ") ++ show annotationN ++ " annotation" ++ pl annotationN ++ "") ++
(if linkN == 0 then "" else (if (directoryN/=0 && annotationN/=0 && linkN/=0) then ", & " else " & ") ++ show linkN ++ " link" ++ pl linkN ++ "") ++
" (parent)" ++
"thumbnail-css: 'outline'", -- the thumbnails of tag-directories are usually screenshots of graphs/figures/software, so we will default to `.outline` for them
"created: '" ++ dateCreated ++ "'",
"modified: \'" ++ dateModified ++ "\'",
"status: 'in progress'",
"confidence: log",
"importance: 0",
"css-extension: dropcaps-de-zs",
"index: true",
"backlink: False",
where pl n = if n > 1 || n == 0 then "s" else "" -- pluralize helper: "2 links", "1 link", "0 links".
listFiles :: Metadata -> [FilePath] -> IO [(FilePath,MetadataItem,FilePath)]
listFiles m direntries' = do
files <- filterM (doesFileExist . tail) direntries'
let files' = (sort . filter (\f -> not $ anySuffix f ["index", ".tar", ".webm-poster.jpg", ".mp4-poster.jpg"]) . map (delete ".md") . filter ('#' `notElem`)) files
let fileAnnotationsMi = map (lookupFallback m) files'
-- NOTE: files may be annotated only under a hash, eg. '/doc/ai/scaling/hardware/2021-norrie.pdf#google'; so we can't look for their backlinks/similar-links under '/doc/ai/scaling/hardware/2021-norrie.pdf', but we ask 'lookupFallback' for the best reference; 'lookupFallback' will tell us that '/doc/ai/scaling/hardware/2021-norrie.pdf' → `('/doc/ai/scaling/hardware/2021-norrie.pdf#google',_)`. This is also true of PDF page-anchors.
linkbiblios <- mapM (fmap snd . getLinkBibLinkCheck . fst) fileAnnotationsMi
return $ zipWith (\(a,b) c -> (a,b,c)) fileAnnotationsMi linkbiblios
-- Fetch URLs/file 'tagged' with the current directory but not residing in it.
-- tags are only in "doc/*", so "haskell/" etc is out. Tags drop the doc/ prefix, and we want to avoid
-- the actual files inside the current directory, because they'll be covered by the `listFiles` version, of course.
listTagged :: Bool -> Metadata -> FilePath -> IO [(FilePath,MetadataItem,FilePath)]
listTagged newestp m dir = if not ("doc/" `isPrefixOf` dir) then return [] else
let dirTag = delete "doc/" dir in
let tagged = if newestp then m else M.filterWithKey (\u (_,_,_,_,_,tgs,_) -> not (dir `isInfixOf` u) && dirTag `elem` tgs) m in
do let files = nubOrd $ map truncateAnchors $ M.keys tagged
linkbiblios <- mapM (fmap snd . getLinkBibLinkCheck) files
let fileAnnotationsMi = map (lookupFallback m) files
return $ zipWith (\(a,b) c -> (a,b,c)) fileAnnotationsMi linkbiblios
-- for essays, not files/links, drop section anchors to look up/link:
truncateAnchors :: String -> String
truncateAnchors str = if '.' `elem` str then str else takeWhile (/='#') str
-- sort a list of entries in ascending order using the annotation last-modified date when available (as 'YYYY[-MM[-DD]]', which string-sorts correctly), and falling back to sorting on the filenames ('YYYY-author.pdf').
-- We generally prefer to reverse this to descending order, to show newest-first.
-- For cases where only alphabetic sorting is available, we fall back to alphabetical order on the URL.
sortByDateModified :: [(FilePath, MetadataItem, FilePath)] -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem, FilePath)]
sortByDateModified = sortBy compareEntries
compareEntries (f, (_, _, _, d, _, _, _), _) (f', (_, _, _, d', _, _, _), _)
| not (null d) || not (null d') = compare d' d -- Reverse order for dates, to show newest first
| head f == '/' && head f' == '/' = compare f' f -- Reverse order for file paths when both start with '/'
| head f == '/' = LT -- '/' paths come after non '/' paths
| head f' == '/' = GT -- non '/' paths come before '/' paths
| otherwise = compare f f' -- Alphabetical order for the rest
sortByDatePublished :: [(FilePath, MetadataItem, FilePath)] -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem, FilePath)]
sortByDatePublished = sortBy compareEntries
compareEntries (f, (_, _, d, _, _, _, _), _) (f', (_, _, d', _, _, _, _), _)
| not (null d) || not (null d') = compare d' d -- Reverse order for dates, to show newest first
| head f == '/' && head f' == '/' = compare f' f -- Reverse order for file paths when both start with '/'
| head f == '/' = LT -- '/' paths come after non '/' paths
| head f' == '/' = GT -- non '/' paths come before '/' paths
| otherwise = compare f f' -- Alphabetical order for the rest
getDatesModified :: [(FilePath,MetadataItem,FilePath)] -> [String]
getDatesModified [] = ["N/A"]
getDatesModified items = let results = filter (not . null) $ map (\(_,(_,_,_,date',_,_,_),_) -> date') items
in if null results then getDatesModified [] else results
generateDirectoryItems :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [[Block]]
generateDirectoryItems parent current ds =
-- all directories have a parent directory with an index (eg. /doc/index has the parent /index), so we always link it.
-- (We pass in the parent path to write an absolute link instead of the easier '../' relative link, because relative links break inside popups.)
-- for directories like ./doc/statistics/ where there are 9+ subdirectories, we'd like to multi-column the directory section to make it more compact (we can't for annotated files/links because there are so many annotations & they are too long to work all that nicely):
parent'' ++ filter (not . null) (map generateDirectoryItem ds)
parent'' = case parent of
Nothing -> []
Just p -> let parentName = if p == "/index" then [Str " (homepage)"] else
if p == "/doc/index" then [Str " (all tags)"] else
[Str " (‘", Emph [Str (abbreviateTag (T.pack (drop 5 (takeDirectory p))))], Str "’ tag)"]
[[Para [Span nullAttr [Link ("",
["link-tag", "directory-indexes-upwards"],
([Str "Parent"]++parentName) (T.pack p, "Link to parent directory '" `T.append` (T.pack $ tail $ takeDirectory p) `T.append` "/' (ascending)")]]]]
generateDirectoryItem :: FilePath -> [Block]
-- arrow symbolism: subdirectories are 'down' (prefix because it's 'inside'), while the parent directory is 'up' (handled above); cross-linked directories (due to tags) are then 'out and to the right' (suffix because it's 'across')
generateDirectoryItem d = let downP = directoryPrefixDown current d
nameShort = T.pack $ delete "/doc/" $ takeDirectory d
(nameDisplayed,parenthetical) = if parent == Just "/index" then abbreviateTagLongForm nameShort else (abbreviateTag nameShort, [])
[Para ([Link ("",
["link-tag", if downP then "directory-indexes-downwards" else "directory-indexes-sideways"],
[Emph [RawInline (Format "html") nameDisplayed]] (T.pack d, "")]
++ parenthetical)
directoryPrefixDown :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
directoryPrefixDown currentd d' = ("/"++currentd) `isPrefixOf` d'
abbreviateTagLongForm :: T.Text -> (T.Text, [Inline])
abbreviateTagLongForm dir = ("" `T.append` dir `T.append` "
[Space, RawInline (Format "html") $ "" `T.append` abbreviateTag dir `T.append` ""])
-- for links without a full annotation:
generateListItems :: ArchiveMetadata -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem)] -> Block
generateListItems am p = BulletList (map (\(f,a) -> LM.generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock am (f,a)) p)
generateSections :: ArchiveMetadata -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem)] -> [(String,[(FilePath, MetadataItem)])] -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem)] -> [Block]
generateSections am links linksSorted linkswp = (if null links then [] else annotated) ++
(if length linksSorted < CGS.minTagAuto then [] else sorted) ++
(if null linkswp then [] else wp)
where annotated = generateSections' am 2 links
= [Header 2 nullAttr
[Str "Sort By Magic"]] ++
[Div ("",[],[("demo-type", "sort-by-magic-preface")])
[Para [Str "Annotations sorted by machine learning into ", Link nullAttr [Str "inferred 'tags'"] ("/design#future-tag-features",""), Str ". This provides an alternative way to browse: instead of by ", Emph [Str "date"], Str " order, one can browse in ", Emph [Str "topic"], Str " order. The 'sorted' list has been automatically clustered into multiple sections & auto-labeled for easier browsing."],
Para [Str "Beginning with the newest annotation, it uses the embedding of each annotation to attempt to create a list of nearest-neighbor annotations, creating a progression of topics. For more details, see the link."]
] ++
concatMap generateReferenceToPreviousSection linksSorted
= [Header 2 ("titled-links-wikipedia", [], [])
[Str "Wikipedia"],
OrderedList (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
(map (LM.generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock am) linkswp)]
-- for the sorted-by-magic links, they all are by definition already generated as a section; so instead of bloating the page & ToC with even more sections, let's just generate a transclude of the original section!
generateReferenceToPreviousSection :: (String, [(FilePath, MetadataItem)]) -> [Block]
generateReferenceToPreviousSection (tag,items) = [Header 3 ("", ["collapse"], [("title","Machine-generated tag name for the following cluster of links.")]) [Code nullAttr (T.pack $ if tag == "" then "N/A" else tag)]] ++
concatMap (\(f,(_,aut,dt,_,_,_,_)) ->
let linkId = generateID f aut dt in
if linkId=="" then [] else
let sectionID = "#" `T.append` linkId `T.append` "-section"
in [Para [Link ("", ["include", "include-even-when-collapsed"], []) [Str "[see previous entry]"] (sectionID, "")]]
) items
generateSections' :: ArchiveMetadata -> Int -> [(FilePath, MetadataItem)] -> [Block]
generateSections' am headerLevel = concatMap (\(f,a@(t,aut,dt,_,_,_,_)) ->
let sectionID = if aut=="" then "" else let linkId = generateID f aut dt in
if linkId=="" then "" else linkId `T.append` "-section"
authorShort = authorsToCite f aut dt
-- for tag-directory purposes (but nowhere else), we simplify tweet titles to just 'USER @ DATE' if possible.
sectionTitle = if "https://x.com/" `isPrefixOf` f then T.pack $ twitterTitle f dt else
T.pack $ Typography.titleWrap t ++
(if authorShort=="" then "" else ", " ++ authorsToCite f aut dt)
Header headerLevel (sectionID, [], []) [RawInline (Format "html") sectionTitle]
: LM.generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock am (f,a))
where twitterTitle u dte = let username = extractTwitterUsername u in username ++ (if null dte then "" else " @ " ++ show dte)