{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Module for typographic enhancements of text: -- 1. add link-live (cross-domain iframe popups) & link icon classes to links: split out to LinkIcon.hs -- 2. adding line-break tags (`` as Unicode ZERO WIDTH SPACE) to slashes so web browsers break at slashes in text -- 3. Adding classes to horizontal rulers (nth ruler modulo 3, allowing CSS to decorate it in a -- cycling pattern, like `

`/`class="horizontal-rule-nth-1"`/`class="horizontal-rule-nth-2"`/`class="horizontal-rule-nth-0"`..., (the div wrapper is necessary because Pandoc's 'HorizontalRule' Block element supports no attributes) -- like a repeating pattern of stars/moon/sun/stars/moon/sun... CSS can do this with :nth, but only -- for immediate sub-children, it can't count elements *globally*, and since Pandoc nests horizontal -- rulers and other block elements within each section, it is not possible to do the usual trick -- like with blockquotes/lists). module Typography (linebreakingTransform, typographyTransform, typesetHtmlFieldPermanent, titlecase', titlecaseInline, identUniquefy, mergeSpaces, titleCaseTestCases, titleCaseTest, typesetHtmlField, titleWrap, completionProgressHTML, completionProgressInline) where import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (evalState, get, put, State) import Data.Char (isPunctuation, isSpace, toUpper) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf) import qualified Data.Text as T (append, concat, pack, unpack, replace, splitOn, strip, Text, head, null) import Data.Text.Read (decimal) import Text.Regex.TDFA (Regex, makeRegex, match) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (empty, insert, lookup, Map) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Text.Titlecase (titlecase) import Text.Pandoc (Inline(..), Block(..), Pandoc(Pandoc), nullAttr, readerExtensions, runPure, readHtml, def, runPure, writeHtml5String, pandocExtensions, nullMeta) -- Caption(Caption), import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM) import Metadata.Date (dateRangeDuration) import LinkIcon (linkIcon) import LinkLive (linkLive) import Utils (sed, replaceMany, parseRawAllClean, safeHtmlWriterOptions, toHTML) import Config.Misc (currentYear) import Config.Typography as C (titleCaseTestCases, cycleCount, surnameFalsePositivesWhiteList) -- if typesetting an 'ephemeral' string which will be used now but not forever, use this. Otherwise, if reformatting a permanent string for long-term use & storage, use 'typesetHtmlFieldPermanent'. The latter will avoid doing things like hardwiring the current year. typesetHtmlField :: String -> String typesetHtmlField "" = "" typesetHtmlField arg = typesetHtmlFieldPermanent False arg typesetHtmlFieldPermanent :: Bool -> String -> String typesetHtmlFieldPermanent _ "" = "" typesetHtmlFieldPermanent permanent t = let fieldPandocMaybe = runPure $ readHtml def{readerExtensions = pandocExtensions} (T.pack t) in case fieldPandocMaybe of Left errr -> error $ "Typography.typesetHtmlField: string failed to read as Pandoc AST from HTML via Pandoc, erroring out! : " ++ t ++ show errr Right fieldPandoc -> let (Pandoc _ fieldPandoc') = (if permanent then typographyTransformPermanent else typographyTransform) fieldPandoc in let compiledHTML = runPure $ writeHtml5String safeHtmlWriterOptions (Pandoc nullMeta fieldPandoc') in case compiledHTML of Right fieldHtml -> T.unpack fieldHtml Left errors -> error "Typography.typesetHtmlField: string failed from Pandoc AST to HTML via Pandoc, erroring out! original input: " ++ show t ++ "; errors: " ++ show errors typographyTransform :: Pandoc -> Pandoc typographyTransform = let year = currentYear in typographyTransformPermanent . walk (dateRangeDuration year) -- subset of transforms which are safe to store permanently eg. in the metadata database, and which won't change (this excludes primarily the date-range duration adjuster, which by definition will change every year; this doesn't need to exclude the inflation adjuster, because it is not included in the set of typography transforms, although perhaps it should be?) typographyTransformPermanent :: Pandoc -> Pandoc typographyTransformPermanent = let year = currentYear in parseRawAllClean . -- clean up all spans/divs introduced by the finished rewrites walk imageCaptionLinebreak . walk (citefyInline year . linkLive . linkIcon) . walk mergeSpaces . linebreakingTransform . rulersCycle C.cycleCount . parseRawAllClean -- clean up all anonymous or empty spans/divs so we have a clean AST to rewrite linebreakingTransform :: Pandoc -> Pandoc linebreakingTransform = walk (breakSlashes . breakEquals) -- Pandoc breaks up strings as much as possible, like [Str "ABC", Space, "notation"], which makes it impossible to match on them, so we remove Space mergeSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline] mergeSpaces [] = [] mergeSpaces (Str x:Str y:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (x`T.append`y) : xs) mergeSpaces (Space:Str x:Space:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (" "`T.append`x`T.append`" "):xs) mergeSpaces (Space:Str x:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (" "`T.append`x):xs) mergeSpaces (Str x:Space:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (x`T.append`" "):xs) mergeSpaces (Str "":xs) = mergeSpaces xs mergeSpaces (Str x:SoftBreak:Str y:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (x`T.append`" "`T.append`y):xs) mergeSpaces (SoftBreak:Str x:xs) = mergeSpaces (Str (" "`T.append`x):xs) mergeSpaces (SoftBreak:xs) = mergeSpaces (Space:xs) mergeSpaces (x:xs) = x:mergeSpaces xs -- TODO: add unit-tests as the logic gets increasingly tricky citefyInline :: Int -> Inline -> Inline citefyInline year x@(Str s) = let rewrite = go s in if [Str s] == rewrite then x else Span nullAttr rewrite where go :: T.Text -> [Inline] go "" = [] go a = let matched'' = match citefyRegexMultiple a :: [[T.Text]] matched' = match citefyRegexDouble a :: [[T.Text]] matched = match citefyRegexSingle a :: [[T.Text]] matchAll = matched'' ++ matched' ++ matched in if null matchAll then [Str a] -- no citation anywhere else case head matchAll of [] -> [Str a] _:[] -> [Str a] _:_:[] -> [Str a] _:_:_:[] -> [Str a] (fullMatch:first:second:third:_) -> let citeYear = case decimal third :: Either String (Int, T.Text) of Left _ -> 0 Right (y,_) -> y in if citeYear > year+3 || -- sanity-check the cite year: generally, a citation can't be for more than 2 years ahead: ie on 31 December 2020, a paper may well have an official date anywhere in 2021, but it would be *highly* unusual for it to be pushed all the way out to 2022 (only the most sluggish of periodicals like annual reviews might do that), so ≥2023 *should* be right out. If we have a 'year' bigger than that, it is probably a false positive, eg. 'Atari 2600' is a video game console and not a paper published by Dr. Atari 6 centuries hence. sed "^.* & " "" (T.unpack first) `elem` C.surnameFalsePositivesWhiteList then -- dates like "January 2020" are false positives, although unfortunately there are real surnames like 'May', where 'May 2020' is just ambiguous and this will have a false negative. [Str a] else (case T.splitOn fullMatch a of (before:after) -> if not (T.null $ T.concat after) && T.head (T.concat after) `elem` ['-', '—', '–'] then [Str a] else -- bail out if we may be splitting a date-range or other dash construct [citefyInline year $ Str before] ++ -- NOTE: work around greedy regex [Span ("", ["cite"], []) ((if T.strip second == "" then -- the easy single/double author case (we only mess with the date, nothing else) [Span ("", ["cite-author"], []) [Str $ T.replace " " " " first]] -- condense with NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE; this is like using THIN SPACE + WORD JOINER? -- et-al case: different span class to select on, stash the et al joiner in a span to suppress: else [Span ("", ["cite-author-plural"], [("title","et al")]) [Str first]] ++ [Span ("", ["cite-joiner"], []) [Str $ " " `T.append` T.replace " " " " (T.strip second) `T.append` " "]]) ++ [Span ("", ["cite-date"], []) [Str third]]) ] ++ go (T.concat after) err -> error $ "Typography.citefyInline: splitting the 'fullMatch' into 'before'/'after' failed, even though a match should be guaranteed by here, and that should never happen. Arguments: " ++ show err ++ " : " ++ show fullMatch ++ " : " ++ show matchAll ++ " : " ++ show a ) citefyInline _ x = x citefyRegexSingle, citefyRegexDouble, citefyRegexMultiple :: Regex citefyRegexSingle = makeRegex ("([A-Z][" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]?[A-Z]?[" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]+)([    \8203]+)" `T.append` dateSuffix :: T.Text) -- match one-author citations like "Foo 2020" or "Foo 2020a"; we avoid using [:punct:] to avoid matching on en-dashes in date ranges; need to also handle mixed-case like 'McDermot' citefyRegexDouble = makeRegex ("([A-Z][" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]?[A-Z]?[" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]+[    \8203]+&[    \8203]+[A-Z][a-z-]+)([    \8203]+)" `T.append` dateSuffix :: T.Text) -- match two-author citations like "Foo & Bar 2020" citefyRegexMultiple = makeRegex ("([A-Z][" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]?[A-Z]?[" `T.append` lowercaseUnicode `T.append` "-]+)([    \8203]+[Ee]t[    \8203][Aa]l[    \8203]+)" `T.append` dateSuffix :: T.Text) -- handle cases like 'Foo 1956/1999', 'Foo in press', 'Foo 1999a': dateSuffix :: T.Text dateSuffix = "([12][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z]?|[12][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[12][0-9][0-9][0-9]|in press)" -- sourced from /lorem#unicode-characters - this *should* be pretty much all the lowercase Unicode characters which might turn up in a surname: lowercaseUnicode :: T.Text lowercaseUnicode = "a-zàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýāăąćčēęěğīİıłńņŋōŏőœřśŠšūŮůźžƆǎǐǔǿșɔəʒḥṇṣίαγδεηθλμνοπρστυφχψωϩавгдежзийклмнопрстухцщыьэюя’Ø" ------------------------------------------- -- add ''/ZERO WIDTH SPACE/'\8203' (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/wbr) HTML element to inline uses of forward slashes, such as in lists, to tell Chrome to linebreak there (see https://gwern.net/lorem#inline-formatting in Chrome for examples of how its linebreaking is incompetent, sadly). THIN SPACE is '\8202'. -- -- WARNING: this will affect link texts like '[AC/DC](!W)', so make sure you do the rewrite after -- the interwiki and any passes which insert inline HTML - right now 'breakSlashes' tests for -- possible HTML and bails out to avoid damaging it. breakSlashes :: Block -> Block breakSlashes = id -- skip CodeBlock/RawBlock: enabling line-breaking on slashes there is a bad idea or not possible: -- breakSlashes x@CodeBlock{} = x -- breakSlashes x@RawBlock{} = x -- breakSlashes (Header a b c) = Header a b $ topDown breakSlashesInline c -- breakSlashes x@Table{} = x -- should we do slashing here too or is that unnecessary / actually a bad idea? Generally, table contents shouldn't be linebreaking... right? -- breakSlashes x = topDown breakSlashesInline x -- breakSlashesInline, breakSlashesPlusHairSpaces :: Inline -> Inline -- breakSlashesInline x@Code{} = x -- breakSlashesInline (Link e ((Code a x):f) g) = Link e ((Code a $ T.replace "/" "/\8202" x):f) g -- we normally would not break inside Code at all because the risk of breaking copy-paste is too great, even with the copy-paste listener sanitizing things. However, for a very simple case of Code-inside-Link (eg. directory paths), this *should* be safe...? -- breakSlashesInline (Link a [Str ss] (t,"")) = if ss == t then -- -- if an autolink like '' which -- -- converts to 'Link () [Str "https://example.com"] -- -- ("https://example.com","")' or '[Para [Link -- -- ("",["uri"],[]) [Str "https://www.example.com"] -- -- ("https://www.example.com","")]]' (NOTE: we -- -- cannot rely on there being a "uri" class), then -- -- we mark it up as Code and skip it: -- addClass "uri" $ Link a [Code nullAttr ss] (t,"") -- else -- Link a (walk breakSlashesPlusHairSpaces [Str ss]) (t,"") -- breakSlashesInline (Link a ss ts) = Link a (walk breakSlashesPlusHairSpaces ss) ts -- breakSlashesInline x@(Str s) = if T.any (\t -> t=='/' && not (t=='<' || t=='>' || t ==' ' || t == '\8202')) s then -- things get tricky if we mess around with raw HTML, so we bail out for anything that even *looks* like it might be HTML tags & has '<>' or a HAIR SPACE or ZERO WIDTH SPACE already -- Str (T.replace "\8202\8202" "\8202" $ T.replace " /\8202 " " / " $ T.replace " /\8202" " /" $ T.replace "/\8202 " "/ " $ -- fix redundant \8202s to make HTML source nicer to read; 2 cleanup substitutions is easier than using a full regexp rewrite -- T.replace "/" "/\8202" s) else x -- breakSlashesInline x = x -- -- the link-underlining hack, using drop-shadows, causes many problems with characters like slashes -- -- 'eating' nearby characters; a phrase like "A/B testing" is not usually a problem because the -- -- slash is properly kerned, but inside a link, the '/' will eat at 'B' and other characters where -- -- the top-left comes close to the top of the slash. (NOTE: We may be able to drop this someday if -- -- CSS support for underlining with skip-ink ever solidifies.) -- -- -- -- The usual solution is to insert a HAIR SPACE or THIN SPACE. Here, we descend inside Link nodes to -- -- their Str to add both (line-breaking is still an issue AFAIK) and HAIR SPACE (THIN SPACE -- -- proved to be too much). -- breakSlashesPlusHairSpaces x@(Str s) = if T.any (\t -> t=='/' && not (t=='<' || t=='>' || t =='\8202')) s then -- Str (T.replace " /\8202 " " / " $ T.replace " /\8202" " /" $ T.replace "/\8202 " "/ " $ -- T.replace "/" "\8202/\8202" s) else x -- breakSlashesPlusHairSpaces x = x breakEquals :: Block -> Block breakEquals = id -- breakEquals x@CodeBlock{} = x -- breakEquals x@RawBlock{} = x -- breakEquals x@Header{} = x -- breakEquals x@Table{} = x -- breakEquals x = walk breakEqualsInline x -- breakEqualsInline :: Inline -> Inline -- breakEqualsInline (Str s) = Str $ T.pack $ sed "([=≠])([a-zA-Z0-9])" " \\1 \\2" $ T.unpack s -- breakEqualsInline x = x ------------------------------------------- -- Annotate body horizontal rulers with a div-class based on global count: '
/ --
' / '
' / '
/ --
' etc (cycling). Allows CSS decoration of "every second ruler" or "every fourth -- ruler" etc. I use it for cycling rulers in 3 levels, similar to the rest of Gwern.net's visual -- design. -- -- Generalized versions for arbitrary Inline/Block types using generic programming: -- https://groups.google.com/g/pandoc-discuss/c/x1IXyfC2tfU/m/sXnHU7DIAgAJ (not currently necessary, -- but worth noting should I need to number anything in the future). --- -- (NOTE: As a rewrite pass, this does not affect the horizontal ruler in the endnotes section, nor -- any horizontal rulers in the outer HTML document.) rulersCycle :: Int -> Pandoc -> Pandoc rulersCycle modulus doc = evalState (walkM addHrNth doc) 0 where addHrNth :: Block -> State Int Block addHrNth HorizontalRule = do count <- get put (count + 1) let nth = count `mod` modulus let nthClass = T.pack $ "horizontal-rule" ++ "-nth-" ++ show nth return $ Div ("", [nthClass], []) [HorizontalRule] addHrNth x = return x -- Walk a document, and de-duplicate overlapping IDs by appending "-n" for the nth use. This should not be used on regular content pages, where duplicate links should either be de-linked (replaced by a within-page anchor link, say) or given unique IDs by hand. This is useful for auto-generated pages like link-bibliographies or tags, where arbitrarily many different annotations will be inserted and it would be difficult or impossible to remove duplicates or override. So, somewhat analogous to `gensym`, we walk the doc and simply assign new IDs on demand. identUniquefy :: Pandoc -> Pandoc identUniquefy doc = evalState (walkM addIdentNth doc) M.empty where addIdentNth :: Inline -> State (M.Map T.Text Int) Inline addIdentNth x@(Link ("",_,_) _ _) = return x addIdentNth x@(Link (ident,b,c) d (e,f)) = do db <- get case M.lookup ident db of Nothing -> do put (M.insert ident 1 db) return x Just count -> do put (M.insert ident (count + 1) db) return $ Link (ident `T.append` "-" `T.append` T.pack (show (count + 1)), b,c) d (e,f) addIdentNth x = return x -- rewrite a string (presumably an annotation title) into a mixed-case 'title case' -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_case as we expect from headlines/titles -- -- uses -- -- TODO: This wrapper function exists to temporarily work around `titlecase`'s lack of hyphen -- handling: . We crudely just uppercase every lowercase -- letter after a hyphen, not bothering with skipping prepositions/conjunctions/particles/etc. -- Hopefully titlecase will do better and we can remove this. titlecase' :: String -> String titlecase' "" = "" titlecase' t = let t' = titlecase $ titlecase'' t -- TODO: `titlecase` strips whitespace so have to restore it t'' = if head t == ' ' then " " ++ t' else t' t''' = if last t == ' ' then t'' ++ " " else t'' in cleanTitlecase t''' where titlecase'', cleanTitlecase :: String -> String titlecase'' "" = "" titlecase'' t' = capitalizeAfterApostrophe $ capitalizeAfterHyphen t t' -- HACK cleanTitlecase = replaceMany [("", ""), ("", ""), ("", "") , ("=\"Logotype-tex\">", "=\"logotype-tex\">"), ("=\"Logotype-Latex\">", "=\"logotype-latex\">"), ("", ""), ("", "") , ("class=\"Cite\"", "class=\"cite\""), ("Cite-author", "cite-author"), ("Cite-Author", "cite-author"), ("Cite-date", "cite-date"), ("Cite-Date", "cite-date"), ("Cite-joiner", "cite-joiner") , ("Class=","class="), ("", "")] capitalizeAfterHyphen :: String -> String -> String capitalizeAfterHyphen _ "" = "" capitalizeAfterHyphen t s = case break (\c -> c == '-' || c == '—' || c == '[') s of (before, '-':after) -> before ++ "-" ++ capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterHyphen t after) (before, '—':after) -> before ++ "—" ++ capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterHyphen t after) (before, '[':after) -> before ++ "[" ++ capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterHyphen t after) (before, []) -> before _ -> error $ "Typography.capitalizeAfterHyphen: case failed to match although that should be impossible: " ++ s ++ " ; original: " ++ t where capitalizeFirst [] = [] capitalizeFirst (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs -- Handles capitalization after an apostrophe. -- The function uses pattern matching to identify different scenarios and apply the appropriate capitalization. -- The patterns are as follows: -- -- 1. When an apostrophe is followed by "s" at the end of the string, it leaves the "s" lowercase, -- as it is likely denoting possession. -- 2. When an apostrophe is followed by "s" and then another character, it checks if the next character is a space or punctuation. -- If it is, it leaves the "s" lowercase; otherwise, it capitalizes it. -- 3. When an apostrophe is followed by "t" (for "n't" contractions), it leaves the "t" lowercase. -- 5. When an apostrophe is followed by any character, it capitalizes the character after the apostrophe. -- 5. When there is no apostrophe in the string, it simply returns the original string. capitalizeAfterApostrophe :: String -> String capitalizeAfterApostrophe "" = "" capitalizeAfterApostrophe s = case break (`elem` ("'‘\"“"::String)) s of (before, punctuation:"s") -> before ++ [punctuation] ++ "s" (before, punctuation:'s':after@(x:_)) -> if null before || isSpace (last before) then before ++ [punctuation] ++ "S" ++ capitalizeAfterApostrophe after else if isSpace x || isPunctuation x then before ++ [punctuation] ++ 's' : capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterApostrophe after) else before ++ [punctuation] ++ 'S' : capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterApostrophe after) (before, punctuation:'t':after) -> before ++ [punctuation] ++ 't' : capitalizeAfterApostrophe after -- New case for "n't" contractions (before, punctuation:after) -> before ++ [punctuation] ++ capitalizeFirst (capitalizeAfterApostrophe after) (before, []) -> before where -- Capitalizes the first character of a string. capitalizeFirst [] = [] capitalizeFirst (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs titleCaseTest :: [(String, String)] titleCaseTest = filter (\(original,expected) -> titlecase' original /= expected) C.titleCaseTestCases -- lift `titlecase'` to Inline so it can be walked, such as in Headers titlecaseInline :: Inline -> Inline titlecaseInline (Str s) = Str $ T.pack $ titlecase' $ T.unpack s titlecaseInline x = x -- double-quote a title only if it is not italicized, indicating a book title: titleWrap :: String -> String titleWrap "" = error "Typography.titleWrap: called on an empty title, this should never happen!" titleWrap t = let t' = titlecase' t in if "" `isPrefixOf` t && "" `isSuffixOf` t then t' else "“" ++ t' ++ "”" {- Figure figcaption style: the Gwern.net house style for images with captions, particularly images from research papers, is similar to that of abstracts: break up the giant blocks endemic to scientific papers into more readable paragraphs. So a figure like `![**Figure 1**: _Short summary._ Long more detailed description, which should possibly be split into multiple paragraphs, particularly if it is a multi-panel image.](/doc/foo.jpg)` should linebreak between 'Figure 1: Short summary' and 'Long more detailed description'. We encode the 3 types by putting the figure ID into bold, the short summary into italics, and then the long description is everything afterwards (possibly split up internally using linebreaks, eg. if it has multiple sub-descriptions like '(a–f)'). To avoid the toil of adding linebreaks manually everywhere, we try to detect & add the linebreak automatically. I can't find a way to make this work reliably in CSS-only because breaking at italics is unreliable (eg. '**Figure 1**: n= 10.'), can't match on a structure like '
first-of(+text+)'. Editing in a
by hand is doable and I've done it a few times but not sure this is the best way or I want to go back and edit it into them all when the rule seems reasonably clear: 'if a figcaption starts with then text then , and then has additional text not starting with /, wrap the additional text in a new paragraph.' So we implement this as a Pandoc AST rewrite on the 'Figure' element that that `![]()` compiles to. > figureCaptionLinebreak $ Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 1"],Str ": ",Emph [Str "figure short description."],Str "Figure long description after a linebreak."]) []) [] → Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 1"],Str ": ",Emph [Str "figure short description."],LineBreak,Str "Figure long description after a linebreak."]) []) [] -} -- Relevant Pandoc types: -- `Figure = Figure !Attr !Caption ![Block]` -- `Caption = Caption !(Maybe ShortCaption) ![Block]` -- `ShortCaption = [Inline]` imageCaptionLinebreak :: Inline -> Inline -- special-case: 'Figure 1: (a) foo. (b) bar. Baz.' We don't want to linebreak there using the usual logic because it yields brokenness like 'Figure 1: (a\n) ...'. So detect & skip. imageCaptionLinebreak x@(Image _ (Strong _ : Str ": (" : Emph _ : _) _) = x imageCaptionLinebreak x@(Image _ (_ : _ : LineBreak : _) _) = x imageCaptionLinebreak x@(Image _ (_ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) _) = x imageCaptionLinebreak x@(Image _ (_ : _ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) _) = x imageCaptionLinebreak x@(Image _ (_ : _ : _ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) _) = x imageCaptionLinebreak (Image y (Strong a : Str b : Space : Emph c : d) z) = Image y (Strong a : Str b : Emph c : LineBreak : d) z imageCaptionLinebreak (Image y (Strong a : Str b : Emph c : d) z) = Image y (Strong a : Str b : Emph c : LineBreak : d) z imageCaptionLinebreak x = x {- figureCaptionLinebreak :: Block -> Block -- Figures have few semantics we can enforce or error out on (eg. a Figure is not guaranteed to have any caption, nor any attributes, nor any alt text), other than requiring an image with a URL; however, we don't need to check for those, because that is enforced in `Image.invertFile`. figureCaptionLinebreak x@(Figure _ (Caption Nothing _) _) = x figureCaptionLinebreak (Figure a (Caption (Just c) d) e) = Figure a (Caption (Just $ captionLinebreak c) d) e where captionLinebreak :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -- special-case: `**Figure 1**: (_a_) Foo. (_b_) Bar. (_c_) Baz.` We don't want to linebreak there using the usual logic because it yields brokenness like `Figure 1: (a\n) ...`. So detect & skip: captionLinebreak y@(Strong _ : Str ": (" : Emph _ : _) = y captionLinebreak y@(_ : _ : LineBreak : _) = y captionLinebreak y@(_ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) = y captionLinebreak y@(_ : _ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) = y captionLinebreak y@(_ : _ : _ : _ : _ : LineBreak : _) = y captionLinebreak (Strong f : Str g : Space : Emph h : i) = Strong f : Str g : Emph h : LineBreak : i captionLinebreak (Strong f : Str g : Emph h : i) = Strong f : Str g : Emph h : LineBreak : i captionLinebreak y = y figureCaptionLinebreak x = x -} {- -- skeleton: `Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just []) []) []` figureCaptionLinebreakTestcases :: [(Block, Block)] figureCaptionLinebreakTestcases = [ (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 1"],Str ": ",Emph [Str "figure short description."],Str "Figure long description after a linebreak."]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 1"],Str ": ",Emph [Str "figure short description."],LineBreak,Str "Figure long description after a linebreak."]) []) []) , (Plain [], Plain []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just []) []) [], Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just []) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption Nothing []) [], Figure nullAttr (Caption Nothing []) []), (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 2"], Str ": (", Emph [Str "a"], Str ")"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 2"],Str ": (",Emph [Str "a"],Str ")"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 3"], Emph [Str ": expansion"], LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 3"],Emph [Str ": expansion"],LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 4"], Emph [Str ": expansion"], Str "expansion #2", LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 4"],Emph [Str ": expansion"],Str "expansion #2",LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 5"], Emph [Str ": expansion"], Str "expansion #2", Str "expansion #3", LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 5"],Emph [Str ": expansion"],Str "expansion #2",Str "expansion #3",LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 6"], Emph [Str ": expansion"], Str "expansion #2", Str "expansion #3", Str "expansion #4", LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 6"],Emph [Str ": expansion"],Str "expansion #2",Str "expansion #3",Str "expansion #4",LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 7"], Str "str", Space, Emph [Str ": expansion"], Str "rest of caption", Str "expansion #3", Str "expansion #4", LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [] , Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 7"],Str "str",Emph [Str ": expansion"],LineBreak,Str "rest of caption",Str "expansion #3",Str "expansion #4",LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) , (Figure nullAttr (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 8"], Str "str", Emph [Str ": expansion"], Str "rest of caption", Str "expansion #3", Str "expansion #4", LineBreak, Str "Rest of caption"]) []) [], Figure ("",[],[]) (Caption (Just [Strong [Str "Figure 8"],Str "str",Emph [Str ": expansion"],LineBreak,Str "rest of caption",Str "expansion #3",Str "expansion #4",LineBreak,Str "Rest of caption"]) []) []) ] -} ---- -- turn a given string describing 'completion status', of various levels, into a HTML span element which has the class '.completion-status' and encodes the percentage 0–100% as a data-attribute. -- eg 'finished' → 'finished'. -- This could be useful for denoting how finished a page is, where one is in reading through a page, how large a collapse's abstract is compared to the full abstract, progress on individual tasks in a todo or reading list, etc. -- They can be stylized in various ways in Unicode or with icons, like using line-drawing or circles filled in clockwise. The data-attribute encodes the full range, so one is not limited to a few arbitrarily-chosen levels like '0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1'. -- Supported completion ranges: essay completion status; subjective confidence calibration -- If the string input is not found in the `completionMap` and it parses as an integer, it will be used as-is. -- TODO: config test: unique pairs, unique keys, all keys = positive integers 0-100 completionMap, essayCompletionMap, confidenceMap :: [(String,String)] completionMap = essayCompletionMap ++ confidenceMap essayCompletionMap = [("finished", "100"), ("in progress", "75"), ("draft", "50"), ("notes", "25"), ("abandoned", "0"), ("obsolete", "0")] confidenceMap = [("certain", "100"), ("highly likely", "84"), ("likely", "67"), ("possible", "50"), ("unlikely", "34"), ("highly unlikely", "17"), ("remote", "0"), ("log", "100"), ("emotional", "0"), ("fiction", "0")] completionProgressHTML :: String -> String completionProgressHTML "" = error "Typography.completionProgressHTML: passed an empty string, that should never happen!" completionProgressHTML status = toHTML $ completionProgressInline status completionProgressInline :: String -> Inline completionProgressInline "" = error "Typography.completionProgressInline: passed an empty string, that should never happen!" completionProgressInline status = case lookup status completionMap of Nothing -> case readMaybe status :: Maybe Int of Nothing -> error $ "Typography.completionProgressInline: asked to provide percentage progress for unknown or malformed input status; requested: " ++ show status Just n -> if n <= 100 && n >= 0 then completionProgressSpan (show n) status else error $ "Typography.completionProgressInline: was passed an integer which cannot be interpreted as a percentage 0–100; erroring out. Original input: " ++ show status ++ "; parsed integer: " ++ show n Just value -> completionProgressSpan value status -- TODO: unit-test when finalized completionProgressSpan :: String -> String -> Inline completionProgressSpan "" s = error $ "Typography.completionProgressSpan: passed empty string as one of two arguments, that should never happen. The non-empty argument was: " ++ show s completionProgressSpan n "" = error $ "Typography.completionProgressSpan: passed empty string as one of two arguments, that should never happen. The non-empty argument was: " ++ show n completionProgressSpan n s = Span ("", ["completion-status"], [("progress-percentage", T.pack n)]) [Str (T.pack s)]