{- LinkMetadata.hs: module for generating Pandoc links which are annotated with metadata, which can then be displayed to the user as 'popups' by /static/js/popups.js. These popups can be excerpts, abstracts, article introductions etc, and make life much more pleasant for the reader—hover over link, popup, read, decide whether to go to link. Author: Gwern Branwen Date: 2019-08-20 When: Time-stamp: "2024-11-09 11:03:04 gwern" License: CC-0 -} -- TODO: -- 1. bugs in packages: rxvist doesn't appear to support all bioRxiv/medRxiv schemas, including the -- '/early/' links, forcing me to use curl+Tagsoup; the R library 'fulltext' crashes on examples -- like `ft_abstract(x = c("10.1038/s41588-018-0183-z"))` {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module LinkMetadata (addPageLinkWalk, isPagePath, readLinkMetadata, readLinkMetadataSlow, readLinkMetadataAndCheck, walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata, walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX, updateGwernEntries, writeAnnotationFragments, Metadata, MetadataItem, MetadataList, readGTXFast, writeGTX, annotateLink, createAnnotations, hasAnnotation, hasAnnotationOrIDInline, generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock, authorsToCite, cleanAbstractsHTML, sortItemDate, sortItemPathDate, sortItemPathDateModified, sortItemDateModified, lookupFallback, sortItemPathDateCreated, fileTranscludesTest) where import Control.Monad (unless, void, when, foldM_, (<=<)) import Data.Char (isPunctuation, toLower, isNumber) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (elems, empty, filter, filterWithKey, fromList, fromListWith, keys, toList, lookup, map, union, size, member) -- traverseWithKey, union, Map import qualified Data.Text as T (append, isInfixOf, pack, unpack, Text) import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (intersect, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, sortBy, (\\)) import Data.List.HT (search) -- utility-ht import Network.HTTP (urlEncode) import Network.URI (isURIReference) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, getFileSize) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeFileName, takeExtension) import Text.Pandoc (Inline(Link, Span), writeHtml5String, runPure, nullAttr, nullMeta, Inline(Code, Image, Str, RawInline, Space, Strong), Pandoc(..), Format(..), Block(RawBlock, Para, BlockQuote, Div)) import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM) import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow) import qualified Control.Monad.Parallel as Par (mapM_, mapM) -- monad-parallel import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Config.LinkID (affiliationAnchors) import qualified Config.Misc as C (fileExtensionToEnglish, minFileSizeWarning, minimumAnnotationLength, currentMonthAgo, todayDayString) import Inflation (nominalToRealInflationAdjuster, nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML) import Interwiki (convertInterwikiLinks) import Typography (titlecase', typesetHtmlField, titleWrap) import Image (invertImageInline, addImgDimensions, imageLinkHeightWidthSet, isImageFilename, isVideoFilename) import LinkArchive (localizeLink, ArchiveMetadata, localizeLinkURL) import LinkBacklink (getSimilarLinkCheck, getSimilarLinkCount, getBackLinkCount, getBackLinkCheck, getLinkBibLinkCheck, getAnnotationLink) import LinkID (authorsToCite, generateID, getDisambiguatedPairs) import LinkLive (linkLive, alreadyLive, linkLiveString) import LinkMetadataTypes (Metadata, MetadataItem, Path, MetadataList, Failure(Temporary, Permanent), isPagePath, hasHTMLSubstitute) import Query (extractLinksInlines) import Tags (listTagsAll, tagsToLinksSpan) import Metadata.Format (processDOI, cleanAbstractsHTML, linkCanonicalize, balanced) -- authorsInitialize, import Metadata.Date (dateTruncateBad, isDate) import Utils (writeUpdatedFile, printGreen, printRed, anyInfix, anyPrefix, anySuffix, replace, anyPrefixT, hasAny, safeHtmlWriterOptions, addClass, hasClass, parseRawAllClean, hasExtensionS, isLocal, kvDOI, delete) import Annotation (linkDispatcher) import Annotation.Gwernnet (gwern) import LinkIcon (linkIcon) import GTX (appendLinkMetadata, readGTXFast, readGTXSlow, rewriteLinkMetadata, writeGTX) import Metadata.Author (authorCollapse) import Config.Metadata.Author (authorLinkDB) -- Should the current link get a 'G' icon because it's an essay or regular page of some sort? -- we exclude several directories (doc/, static/) entirely; a Gwern.net page is then any -- link without a file extension (ie. a '.' in the URL - we guarantee that no Markdown essay has a -- period inside its URL). -- Essay/page links get the 'link-page' class. addPageLinkWalk :: Pandoc -> Pandoc addPageLinkWalk = walk addPageLink addPageLink :: Inline -> Inline addPageLink y@(Link (a,b,c) e (f,g)) = if "link-page" `elem` b || "link-page-not" `elem` b || not (isPagePath f) then y else Link (a, "link-page" : b, c) e (f, g) addPageLink x = x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run an arbitrary function on the 3 databases to update individual items. -- For example, to use `processDOIArxiv` to add inferred-DOIs to all Arxiv annotations prior to Arxiv adding official DOIs, one could run a command like: -- -- > walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata True (\x@(path,(title,author,date,dateModified,doi,tags,abstrct)) -> if not ("https://arxiv.org" `isPrefixOf` path) || (doi /= "") then return x else return (path,(title,author,date,dateModified,processDOIArxiv path,tags,abstrct))) -- -- To rewrite a tag, eg. 'conscientiousness' → 'psychology/personality/conscientiousness': -- -- > walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata True (\(path,(title,author,date,kvs,tags,abst)) -> return (path,(title,author,date,kvs, -- map (\t -> if t/="conscientiousness" then t else "psychology/personality/conscientiousness") tags, abst)) ) -- -- To rerun LinkAuto.hs (perhaps because some rules were added): -- -- > walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata True (\(a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,abst)) -> return (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g, linkAutoHtml5String abst))) -- -- To do IO (eg. calling an API): -- -- > md <- LinkMetadata.readLinkMetadata :: IO LinkMetadataTypes.Metadata -- > walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata True (\(path,(title,author,date,dateModified,kvs,tags,abst)) -> -- > do { abst' <- Paragraph.processParagraphizer md path abst; -- > return (path,(title,author,date,dateModified,kvs,tags, abst')) } ) walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata :: Bool -> ((Path, MetadataItem) -> IO (Path, MetadataItem)) -> IO () walkAndUpdateLinkMetadata check f = do walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX f "metadata/full.gtx" walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX f "metadata/half.gtx" walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX f "metadata/auto.gtx" when check (printGreen "Checking…" >> readLinkMetadataAndCheck >> printGreen "Validated all GTX post-update; exiting.") walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX :: ((Path, MetadataItem) -> IO (Path, MetadataItem)) -> Path -> IO () walkAndUpdateLinkMetadataGTX f file = do db <- readGTXSlow file -- TODO: refactor this to take a list of URLs to update, then I can do it incrementally & avoid the mysterious space leaks db' <- mapM f db writeGTX file db' printGreen $ "Updated " ++ file -- This can be run every few months to update abstracts (they generally don't change much). updateGwernEntries :: IO () updateGwernEntries = do rescrapeGTX gwernEntries "metadata/full.gtx" rescrapeGTX gwernEntries "metadata/half.gtx" rescrapeGTX gwernEntries "metadata/auto.gtx" readLinkMetadataAndCheck >> printGreen "Validated all GTX post-update; exiting…" where gwernEntries path = ("/" `isPrefixOf` path || "https://gwern.net" `isPrefixOf` path) && not ("." `isInfixOf` path) -- eg. to rescrape a specific page from the CLI: -- `cd ~/wiki/ && ghci -istatic/build/ ./static/build/LinkMetadata.hs -e 'rescrapeGTX (\p -> p == "/review/quantum-thief") "metadata/half.gtx"'` rescrapeGTX :: (Path -> Bool) -> Path -> IO () rescrapeGTX filterF gtxpath = do dbl <- readGTXFast gtxpath let paths = filter filterF $ map fst dbl foldM_ (rescrapeItem gtxpath) dbl paths rescrapeItem :: Path -> MetadataList -> Path -> IO MetadataList rescrapeItem gtx dblist path = case lookup path dblist of Just old -> do new <- updateGwernEntry (path,old) if (path,old) /= new then do let dblist' = new : filter ((/=) path . fst) dblist writeGTX gtx dblist' readGTXFast gtx else return dblist Nothing -> return dblist updateGwernEntry :: (Path, MetadataItem) -> IO (Path, MetadataItem) updateGwernEntry x@(path,(title,author,date,dc,kvs,tags,_)) = if False then return x -- || not ("index"`isInfixOf` path) else do printGreen path newEntry <- gwern M.empty path case newEntry of Left Temporary -> return x Left Permanent -> return (path,(title,author,date,dc,kvs,tags,"")) -- zero out the abstract but preserve the other metadata; if we mistakenly scraped a page before and generated a pseudo-abstract, and have fixed that mistake so now it returns an error rather than pseudo-abstract, we want to erase that pseudo-abstract until such time as it returns a 'Right' (a successful real-abstract) Right (path', (title',author',date',dc',kvs',_,abstract')) -> return (path', (title',author',date',dc',kvs',tags,abstract')) -- read the annotation base (no checks, >8× faster) readLinkMetadata :: IO Metadata readLinkMetadata = do full <- readGTXFast "metadata/full.gtx" -- for hand created definitions, to be saved; since it's handwritten and we need line errors, we use GTX: half <- readGTXFast "metadata/half.gtx" -- tagged but not handwritten/cleaned-up auto <- readGTXFast "metadata/auto.gtx" -- auto-generated cached definitions; can be deleted if gone stale -- merge the hand-written & auto-generated link annotations, and return: let final = M.union (M.fromList full) $ M.union (M.fromList half) (M.fromList auto) -- left-biased, so 'full' overrides 'half' overrides 'half' overrides 'auto' return final readLinkMetadataSlow :: IO Metadata readLinkMetadataSlow = do full <- readGTXSlow "metadata/full.gtx" -- for hand created definitions, to be saved; since it's handwritten and we need line errors, we use GTX: half <- readGTXSlow "metadata/half.gtx" -- tagged but not handwritten/cleaned-up auto <- readGTXSlow "metadata/auto.gtx" -- auto-generated cached definitions; can be deleted if gone stale -- merge the hand-written & auto-generated link annotations, and return: let final = M.union (M.fromList full) $ M.union (M.fromList half) (M.fromList auto) -- left-biased, so 'full' overrides 'half' overrides 'half' overrides 'auto' return final -- read the annotation database, and do extensive semantic & syntactic checks for errors/duplicates: -- TODO: split out into 3 functions at different levels of intensity: 1 full, 1 half, 1 auto and the composition; many of these functions would be better off in Metadata.Format or somewhere readLinkMetadataAndCheck :: IO Metadata readLinkMetadataAndCheck = do -- for hand created definitions, to be saved; since it's handwritten and we need line errors, we use GTX: full <- readGTXSlow "metadata/full.gtx" -- Quality checks: -- requirements: -- - URLs/keys must exist, be unique, and either be a remote URL (starting with 'h') or a local filepath (starting with '/') which exists on disk (auto.gtx may have stale entries, but full.gtx should never! This indicates a stale annotation, possibly due to a renamed or accidentally-missing file, which means the annotation can never be used and the true URL/filepath will be missing the hard-earned annotation). We strip http/https because so many websites now redirect and that's an easy way for duplicate annotations to exist. -- - titles must exist & be unique (overlapping annotations to pages are disambiguated by adding the section title or some other description) -- - authors must exist (if only as 'Anonymous' or 'N/A'), but are non-unique -- - dates are non-unique & optional/NA for always-updated things like Wikipedia. If they exist, they should be of the format 'YYYY[-MM[-DD]]'. -- - DOIs are optional since they usually don't exist, and non-unique (there might be annotations for separate pages/anchors for the same PDF and thus same DOI; DOIs don't have any equivalent of `#page=n` I am aware of unless the DOI creator chose to mint such DOIs, which they never (?) do). DOIs sometimes use hyphens and so are subject to the usual problems of em/en-dashes sneaking in by 'smart' systems screwing up. -- - tags are optional, but all tags should exist on-disk as a directory of the form "doc/$TAG/" -- - annotations must exist and be unique inside full.gtx (overlap in auto.gtx can be caused by the hacky appending); their HTML should pass some simple syntactic validity checks let urlsC = map fst full let normalizedUrlsC = map (delete "https://" . delete "http://") urlsC when (length (nubOrd (sort normalizedUrlsC)) /= length normalizedUrlsC) $ error $ "full.gtx: Duplicate URLs! " ++ unlines (normalizedUrlsC \\ nubOrd normalizedUrlsC) let tagsAllC = nubOrd $ concatMap (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,ts,_)) -> ts) full let badDoisDash = filter (\(_,(_,_,_,_,kvs,_,_)) -> let doi = kvDOI kvs in anyInfix doi ["–", "—", " ", ",", "{", "}", "!", "@", "#", "$", "\"", "'", "arxiv", ".org", "http"]) full in unless (null badDoisDash) $ error $ "full.gtx: Bad DOIs (invalid punctuation in DOI): " ++ show badDoisDash -- about the only requirement for DOIs, aside from being made of graphical Unicode characters (which includes spaces !), is that they contain one '/': -- "The DOI syntax shall be made up of a DOI prefix and a DOI suffix separated by a forward slash. There is no defined limit on the length of the DOI name, or of the DOI prefix or DOI suffix. The DOI name is case-insensitive and can incorporate any printable characters from the legal graphic characters of Unicode." -- Thus far, I have not run into any real DOIs which omit numbers, so we'll include that as a check for accidental tags inserted into the DOI field. let badDois = filter (\(_,(_,_,_,_,kvs,_,_)) -> let doi = kvDOI kvs in if (doi == "") then False else doi `elem` tagsAllC || head doi `elem` ['a'..'z'] || '/' `notElem` doi || null ("0123456789" `intersect` doi) || "https" `isPrefixOf` doi) full in unless (null badDois) $ error $ "full.gtx: Invalid DOI (missing mandatory forward slash or a number): " ++ show badDois let emptyCheck = filter (\(u,(t,a,_,_,_,_,s)) -> "" `elem` [u,t,a,s]) full unless (null emptyCheck) $ error $ "full.gtx: Link Annotation Error: empty mandatory fields! [URL/title/author/abstract] This should never happen: " ++ show emptyCheck let annotations = map (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,_,s)) -> s) full in when (length (nubOrd (sort annotations)) /= length annotations) $ error $ "full.gtx: Duplicate annotations: " ++ unlines (annotations \\ nubOrd annotations) -- intermediate link annotations: not finished, like 'full.gtx' entries, but also not fully auto-generated. -- This is currently intended for storing entries for links which I give tags (probably as part of creating a new tag & rounding up all hits), but which are not fully-annotated; I don't want to delete the tag metadata, because it can't be rebuilt, but such half annotations can't be put into 'full.gtx' without destroying all of the checks' validity. half <- readGTXSlow "metadata/half.gtx" let (fullPaths,halfPaths) = (map fst full, map fst half) let redundantHalfs = fullPaths `intersect` halfPaths unless (null redundantHalfs) (printRed "Redundant entries in half.gtx & full.gtx: " >> printGreen (show redundantHalfs)) let urlsCP = map fst (full ++ half) let files = map (takeWhile (/='#') . tail) $ filter (\u -> head u == '/') urlsCP let ensureExtension f = if '.' `elem` f then f else f ++ ".md" let checkFile f = fmap not $ doesFileExist $ ensureExtension f fileChecks <- Par.mapM checkFile files let missingFiles = map fst $ filter snd $ zip files fileChecks let printError f = let f' = ensureExtension f in printRed ("Full+half annotation error: file does not exist? " ++ f ++ " (checked file name: " ++ f' ++ ")") mapM_ printError missingFiles -- auto-generated cached definitions; can be deleted if gone stale rewriteLinkMetadata half full "metadata/auto.gtx" -- do auto-cleanup first auto <- readGTXSlow "metadata/auto.gtx" -- merge the hand-written & auto-generated link annotations, and return: let final = M.union (M.fromList full) $ M.union (M.fromList half) (M.fromList auto) -- left-biased, so 'full' overrides 'half' overrides 'auto' let finalL = M.toList final let urlsFinal = M.keys final let brokenUrlsFinal = filter (\u -> null u || not (head u == 'h' || head u == '/' || anyPrefix u ["mailto:", "irc://", "rsync://"]) || (head u == '/' && "//" `isInfixOf` u) || ' ' `elem` u || ('—' `elem` u) -- EM DASH ) urlsFinal unless (null brokenUrlsFinal) $ error $ "GTX: Broken URLs: " ++ show brokenUrlsFinal let balancedQuotes = filter (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,_,abst)) -> let count = length $ filter (=='"') abst in count > 0 && (count `mod` 2 == 1) ) finalL unless (null balancedQuotes) $ error $ "GTX: Link Annotation Error: unbalanced double quotes! " ++ show balancedQuotes let balancedBrackets = map (\(p,(title',_,_,_,_,_,abst) ) -> (p, balanced title', balanced abst)) $ filter (\(_,(title,_,_,_,_,_,abst)) -> not $ null (balanced title ++ balanced abst)) finalL unless (null balancedBrackets) $ do printRed "GTX: Link Annotation Error: unbalanced brackets!" printGreen $ ppShow balancedBrackets -- check validity of all external links: let urlsAll = filter (\(x,_) -> if x == "" then error "LinkMetadata.urlsAll: empty URL!" else let u = head x in if u `elem` ['/', '!', '$', '\8383'] || "wikipedia.org" `isInfixOf` x || "hoogle.haskell.org" `isInfixOf` x || not (anyPrefix x ["ttps://", "ttp://", "/wiki", "wiki/", "/http"]) then False else not (isURIReference x)) finalL unless (null urlsAll) $ printRed "Invalid URIs?" >> printGreen (ppShow urlsAll) -- look for duplicates due to missing affiliation: let urlsDuplicateAffiliation = findDuplicatesURLsByAffiliation final unless (null urlsDuplicateAffiliation) $ printRed "Duplicated URLs by affiliation:" >> printGreen (show urlsDuplicateAffiliation) let titlesSimilar = sort $ map (\(u,(t,_,_,_,_,_,_)) -> (u, map toLower t)) $ filter (\(u,_) -> '.' `elem` u && not ("wikipedia.org" `isInfixOf` u)) $ M.toList final let titles = filter (\title -> length title > 10) $ map snd titlesSimilar unless (length (nubOrd titles) == length titles) $ printRed "Duplicate titles in GTXs!: " >> printGreen (show (titles \\ nubOrd titles)) let authorWhitelist = ["K. U.", "6510#HN"] :: [String] let authors = map (\(_,(_,aut,_,_,_,_,_)) -> aut) finalL mapM_ (\a -> unless (null a) $ when ((isDate a || isNumber (head a) || isPunctuation (head a)) && not (M.member (T.pack a) authorLinkDB || a `elem` authorWhitelist)) (printRed "Mixed up author & date?: " >> printGreen a) ) authors let authorsBadChars = filter (\a -> a `notElem` authorWhitelist && (anyInfix a [";", "&", "?", "!"] || isPunctuation (last a))) $ filter (not . null) authors unless (null authorsBadChars) (printRed "Mangled author list?" >> printGreen (ppShow authorsBadChars)) let datesBad = filter (\(_,(_,_,dt,dc,_,_,_)) -> not (isDate dt || null dt || isDate dc || null dc)) finalL unless (null datesBad) (printRed "Malformed date (not 'YYYY[-MM[-DD]]'): " >> printGreen (show datesBad)) -- 'filterMeta' may delete some titles which are good; if any annotation has a long abstract, all data sources *should* have provided a valid title. Enforce that. let titlesEmpty = M.filter (\(t,_,_,_,_,_,abst) -> t=="" && length abst > 100) final unless (null titlesEmpty) $ error ("Link Annotation Error: missing title despite abstract!" ++ show titlesEmpty) let tagIsNarrowerThanFilename = M.map (\(title,_,_,_,_,tags,_) -> (title,tags)) $ M.filterWithKey (\f (_,_,_,_,_,tags,_) -> if not ("/doc/" `isPrefixOf` f) then False else let fileTag = delete "/doc/" $ takeDirectory f in any ((fileTag++"/") `isPrefixOf`) tags) final unless (null tagIsNarrowerThanFilename) (printRed "Files whose tags are more specific than their path: " >> printGreen (unlines $ map (\(f',(t',tag')) -> t' ++ " : " ++ f' ++ " " ++ unwords tag') $ M.toList tagIsNarrowerThanFilename)) -- check tags (not just full but all of them, including half.gtx) let tagsSet = sort $ nubOrd $ concat $ M.elems $ M.map (\(_,_,_,_,_,tags,_) -> tags) $ M.filter (\(t,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> t /= "") final tagsAll <- listTagsAll let tagsBad = tagsSet \\ tagsAll let annotationsWithBadTags = M.filter (\(_,_,_,_,_,ts,_) -> hasAny ts tagsBad) final unless (null annotationsWithBadTags) $ error ("Link Annotation Error: tag does not match a directory! Bad annotations: " ++ show annotationsWithBadTags) -- these are good ideas but will have to wait for embedding-based refactoring to be usable warnings. -- let tagsOverused = filter (\(c,_) -> c > tagMax) $ tagCount final -- unless (null tagsOverused) $ printRed "Overused tags: " >> printGreen (show tagsOverused) -- let tagPairsOverused = filter (\(c,_) -> c > tagPairMax) $ tagPairsCount final -- unless (null tagPairsOverused) $ printRed "Overused pairs of tags: " >> printGreen (show tagPairsOverused) -- 'See Also' links in annotations get put in multi-columns due to their typical length, but if I cut them down to 1–2 items, the default columns will look bad. `preprocess-markdown.hs` can't do a length check because it has no idea how I will edit the list of similar-links down, so I can't remove the .columns class *there*; only way to do it is check finished annotations for having .columns set but also too few similar-links: let badSeeAlsoColumnsUse = M.keys $ M.filterWithKey (\_ (_,_,_,_,_,_,abst) -> let count = length (Data.List.HT.search "data-embeddingdistance" abst) in (count == 1 || count == 2) && "
" `isInfixOf` abst ) final unless (null badSeeAlsoColumnsUse) (printRed "Remove columns from skimpy See-Also annotations: " >> printGreen (show badSeeAlsoColumnsUse)) -- ensure that link IDs are unique, and report ambiguous ones for fixing: let disambigs = LinkID.getDisambiguatedPairs final unless (null disambigs) (printRed "Link ID overrides: " >> print disambigs) return final writeAnnotationFragments :: ArchiveMetadata -> Metadata -> Bool -> IO () writeAnnotationFragments am md writeOnlyMissing = do let ml = M.toList md -- first pass: process all possible partials, so they are written out & on-disk for the` getAnnotationLinkCheck` in `addHasAnnotation` mapM_ (uncurry $ writeAnnotationFragment am md writeOnlyMissing) $ filter (\(_,(_,_,_,_,_,_,abst)) -> length abst <= C.minimumAnnotationLength) ml -- second pass: process all possible annotations. (This is awkward but without building in a whole dependency system or a global database or keeping the per-annotation processing, it's hard to see how to ensure no race condition with the annotation checking.) mapM_ (uncurry $ writeAnnotationFragment am md writeOnlyMissing) ml writeAnnotationFragment :: ArchiveMetadata -> Metadata -> Bool -> Path -> MetadataItem -> IO () writeAnnotationFragment _ _ _ _ ("","","",_,[],[],"") = return () writeAnnotationFragment am md onlyMissing u i@(a,b,c,dc,kvs,ts,abst) = if ("/index#" `isInfixOf` u && ("#section" `isInfixOf` u || "-section" `isSuffixOf` u)) || anyInfix u ["/index#see-also", "/index#links", "/index#miscellaneous"] then return () else do let u' = linkCanonicalize u let (filepath',_) = getAnnotationLink u' annotationExisted <- doesFileExist filepath' when (not onlyMissing || (onlyMissing && not annotationExisted)) $ do (_,bl) <- getBackLinkCheck u' (_,sl) <- getSimilarLinkCheck u' (_,lb) <- getLinkBibLinkCheck u' -- we prefer annotations which have a fully-written abstract, but we will settle for 'partial' annotations, -- which serve as a sort of souped-up tooltip: partials don't get the dotted-underline indicating a full annotation, but it will still pop-up on hover. -- Now, tooltips already handle title/author/date, so we only need partials in the case of things with tags, abstracts, backlinks, or similar-links, which cannot be handled by tooltips (since HTML tooltips only let you pop up some raw unstyled Unicode text, not clickable links). -- if we do not have a 'full' abstract, we have a miscellaneous set of metadata, none of which are all *that* important on their own, but which together can be worth showing to the reader as a 'partial' annotation. -- How do we decide how much miscellaneous metadata is enough? it is currently rather ad hoc. Currently, we treat each one as a kind of binary threshold, and if any are True, the partial status is true blN <- getBackLinkCount u' slN <- getSimilarLinkCount u' let partialScoring = 0 < sum [length (drop 2 ts), length abst, if blN > 1 then 1 else 0, if slN > 6 then 1 else 0] when partialScoring $ do let titleHtml = nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML c $ typesetHtmlField $ titlecase' a let authorHtml = typesetHtmlField b -- obviously no point in trying to reformatting date/DOI, so skip those let abstractHtml = typesetHtmlField abst -- TODO: this is fairly redundant with 'pandocTransform' in hakyll.hs; but how to fix without circular dependencies… let pandoc = Pandoc nullMeta $ generateAnnotationBlock am (u', Just (titleHtml,authorHtml,c,dc,kvs,ts,abstractHtml)) bl sl lb unless (null abst) $ void $ createAnnotations md pandoc pandoc' <- do let p = walk (linkIcon . linkLive . nominalToRealInflationAdjuster) $ convertInterwikiLinks $ walk (hasAnnotation md) $ walk addPageLinkWalk $ parseRawAllClean pandoc walkM (invertImageInline md <=< imageLinkHeightWidthSet <=< localizeLink am) p let finalHTMLEither = runPure $ writeHtml5String safeHtmlWriterOptions pandoc' when (length (urlEncode u') > 273) (printRed "Warning, annotation fragment path → URL truncated!" >> putStrLn ("Was: " ++ urlEncode u' ++ " but truncated to: " ++ take 247 u' ++ "; (check that the truncated file name is still unique, otherwise some popups will be wrong)")) case finalHTMLEither of Left er -> error ("Writing annotation fragment failed! " ++ show u ++ " : " ++ show i ++ " : " ++ show er) Right finalHTML -> do finalHTML' <- fmap T.pack $ addImgDimensions $ T.unpack finalHTML -- try to add image height=/width= attributes to `` elements for faster rendering for annotations writeUpdatedFile "annotation" filepath' finalHTML' -- HACK: the current hakyll.hs assumes that all annotations already exist before compilation begins, although we actually dynamically write as we go. -- This leads to an annoying behavior where a new annotation will not get synced in its first build, because Hakyll doesn't "know" about it and won't copy it into the _site/ compiled version, and it won't get rsynced up. This causes unnecessary errors. -- There is presumably some way for Hakyll to do the metadata file listing *after* compilation is finished, but it's easier to hack around here by forcing 'new' annotation writes to be manually inserted into _site/. unless annotationExisted $ writeUpdatedFile "annotation" ("./_site/"++filepath') finalHTML -- walk each page, extract the links, and create annotations as necessary for new links createAnnotations :: Metadata -> Pandoc -> IO () createAnnotations md (Pandoc _ markdown) = Par.mapM_ (annotateLink md) $ extractLinksInlines (Pandoc nullMeta markdown) annotateLink :: Metadata -> Inline -> IO (Either Failure (Path, MetadataItem)) annotateLink md x@(Link (_,_,_) _ (targetT,_)) | anyPrefixT targetT ["/metadata/", "/doc/www/", "#", "!", "\8383", "$"] = return (Left Permanent) -- annotation intermediate files, self-links, interwiki links, and inflation-adjusted currencies *never* have annotations. | otherwise = do let target = T.unpack targetT when (null target) $ error (show x) when ((reverse $ take 3 $ reverse target) == "%20" || last target == ' ') $ error $ "URL ends in space? " ++ target ++ " (" ++ show x ++ ")" -- normalize: convert 'https://gwern.net/doc/foo.pdf' to '/doc/foo.pdf' and './doc/foo.pdf' to '/doc/foo.pdf' -- the leading '/' indicates this is a local Gwern.net file let target' = replace "https://gwern.net/" "/" target let target'' = if head target' == '.' then drop 1 target' else target' -- check local link validity: every local link except tags should exist on-disk: when (head target'' == '/' && not ("/metadata/annotation/" `isPrefixOf` target'')) $ do isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (tail target'') when isDirectory $ error ("Attempted to annotate a directory, which is not allowed (links must be to files or $DIRECTORY/index): " ++ target' ++ " : " ++ target ++ " (" ++ show x ++ ")") let target''' = (\f -> if '.' `notElem` f then f ++ ".md" else f) $ takeWhile (/='#') $ tail target'' unless (takeFileName target''' == "index" || takeFileName target''' == "index.md") $ do exist <- doesFileExist target''' unless exist $ printRed ("Link error in 'annotateLink': file does not exist? " ++ target''' ++ " (" ++target++")" ++ " (" ++ show x ++ ")") let annotated = M.lookup target'' md today <- C.todayDayString case annotated of -- the link has a valid annotation already defined, so we're done: nothing changed. Just i -> return (Right (target'', i)) Nothing -> do new <- linkDispatcher md x case new of -- some failures we don't want to cache because they may succeed when checked differently or later on or should be fixed: Left Temporary -> return (Left Temporary) -- cache the failures too, so we don't waste time rechecking the PDFs every build; return False because we didn't come up with any new useful annotations: Left Permanent -> appendLinkMetadata target'' ("", "", "", today, [], [], "") >> return (Left Permanent) Right y@(f,m@(_,_,_,_,_,_,e)) -> do when (e=="") $ printGreen (f ++ " : " ++ show target ++ " : " ++ show y) -- return true because we *did* change the database & need to rebuild: appendLinkMetadata f m >> return (Right y) annotateLink _ x = error ("annotateLink was passed an Inline which was not a Link: " ++ show x) -- walk the page, and modify each URL to specify if it has an annotation available or not: hasAnnotation :: Metadata -> Block -> Block hasAnnotation md = walk (hasAnnotationOrIDInline md) hasAnnotationOrIDInline :: Metadata -> Inline -> Inline hasAnnotationOrIDInline metadata inline = case inline of link@(Link (_, classes, _) _ (url, _)) -> if hasAnyAnnotatedClass classes then link else processLink metadata url link _ -> inline where hasAnyAnnotatedClass :: [T.Text] -> Bool hasAnyAnnotatedClass = hasAny ["link-annotated-not", "link-annotated", "link-annotated-partial"] processLink :: Metadata -> T.Text -> Inline -> Inline processLink metadatadb url link = let canonicalUrl = linkCanonicalize $ T.unpack url in case M.lookup canonicalUrl metadatadb of Nothing -> addID Nothing link Just ("","","","",[],[],"") -> addID Nothing link Just metadataItem -> addID (Just metadataItem) (addRecentlyChanged metadataItem $ addHasAnnotation metadataItem link) addID :: Maybe MetadataItem -> Inline -> Inline addID maybeMetadataItem inline = case inline of (Link x@(anchor, classes, _) e (url, title)) -> if anchor == "" && "id-not" `notElem` classes then Link (generateLinkID x maybeMetadataItem url) e (url, title) else inline _ -> handleInvalidAddIDCall maybeMetadataItem inline where generateLinkID :: (T.Text, [T.Text], [(T.Text, T.Text)]) -> Maybe MetadataItem -> T.Text -> (T.Text, [T.Text], [(T.Text, T.Text)]) generateLinkID ("", classs, kvs) maybeMetadataItem' url = case maybeMetadataItem' of Nothing -> (generateID (T.unpack url) "" "", classs, kvs) Just (_, author, date, _, _, _, _) -> (generateID (T.unpack url) author date, classs, kvs) -- if it has an ID already, avoid overriding? generateLinkID a _ _ = a handleInvalidAddIDCall :: Maybe MetadataItem -> Inline -> a handleInvalidAddIDCall maybeMetadataItemBad inlineBad = error $ "LinkMetadata.hs: addID: called with " ++ show maybeMetadataItemBad ++ " annotation and a non-Link Inline element:" ++ show inlineBad ++ "; This should never happen." addHasAnnotation :: MetadataItem -> Inline -> Inline addHasAnnotation (title,aut,dt,_,_,_,abstrct) x@(Link (a,b,c) e (f,g)) | wasAnnotated x = x' -- WARNING: Twitter is currently handled in Config.LinkArchive, because whether a Twitter/Nitter URL is a valid 'annotation' depends on whether there is a Nitter snapshot hosted locally the JS can query. Many Nitter snapshots, sadly, fail, so it is *not* guaranteed that a Twitter URL will have a usable snapshot. TODO: when Twitter is merged into the backend, parsing the Nitter mirrors to create proper annotations, rather than using JS to parse them at runtime, this should be removed. | length abstrct > C.minimumAnnotationLength = addClass "link-annotated" x' -- full annotation, no problem. -- may be a partial…? | not $ unsafePerformIO $ doesFileExist $ fst $ getAnnotationLink $ T.unpack f = x' -- | unsafePerformIO $ do -- (filepath',_) <- getAnnotationLinkCheck $ T.unpack f -- return $ filepath' == "" -- = x' -- no, a viable partial would have a (short) fragment written out, see `writeAnnotationFragment` logic; WARNING: race condition here - what if we process a full annotation, which links to a partial (eg. its author) *before* the partial has been written out? we will get a spurious 'no full or partial annotation' return... The current compromise is to try to process all URLs with short/empty annotations first (which might be partials) and then when the fragments should all be written out, rerun with the regular batch | otherwise = addClass "link-annotated-partial" x' where g' | g/="" = g | title=="" && aut=="" = g | title/="" && aut=="" = T.pack title | title=="" && aut/="" = T.pack $ authorsToCite (T.unpack f) aut dt | otherwise = T.pack $ "'" ++ title ++ "', " ++ authorsToCite (T.unpack f) aut dt x' = Link (a,b,c) e (f,g') addHasAnnotation _ z = z -- checks if a Link was recently modified & sets a '.link-modified-recently' class (with usual negation '.link-modified-recently-not') for CSS styling. -- Exclusions: indexes/tag-directories, because they churn far too frequently (and contain intrinsically dated contents) to be worth highlighting to readers. addRecentlyChanged :: MetadataItem -> Inline -> Inline addRecentlyChanged (_,_,_,"", _,_,_) x = x addRecentlyChanged (_,_,_,dtChanged,_,_,_) x@(Link _ _ (url,_)) = if dtChanged < C.currentMonthAgo || hasClass "link-modified-recently-not" x || "/index" `T.isInfixOf` url then x else addClass "link-modified-recently" x addRecentlyChanged _ x = x -- was this link given either a partial or full annotation? wasAnnotated :: Inline -> Bool wasAnnotated x@Link{} = isAnnotatedInline x wasAnnotated x@Image{} = isAnnotatedInline x wasAnnotated x = error $ "LinkMetadata.wasAnnotated: tried to get annotation status of a non-Link/Image element, which makes no sense? " ++ show x isAnnotatedInline :: Inline -> Bool isAnnotatedInline x = -- let f = inline2Path x in hasClass "link-annotated" x || hasClass "link-annotated-partial" x generateAnnotationBlock :: ArchiveMetadata -> (FilePath, Maybe MetadataItem) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [Block] generateAnnotationBlock am (f, ann) blp slp lb = case ann of Nothing -> nonAnnotatedLink -- Just ("", _,_,_,_,_,_) -> nonAnnotatedLink -- Just (_, _,_,_,_,_,"") -> nonAnnotatedLink Just x@(tle,aut,dt,_,kvs,ts,abst) -> let tle' = if null tle then ""++f++"" else Typography.titleWrap tle lid = let tmpID = generateID f aut dt in if tmpID=="" then "" else T.pack "link-bibliography-" `T.append` tmpID -- NOTE: we cannot link to an anchor fragment in ourselves, like just link in the annotation header to `#backlink-transclusion`, because it would severely complicate all the anchor-rewriting logic (how would it know if `#backlink-transclusion` refers to something *in* the annotation, or is a section or anchor inside the annotated URL?). But fortunately, by the logic of caching, it doesn't much matter if we link the same URL twice and pop it up the first time vs transclude it inside the popup/popover the second time. lidBacklinkFragment = if lid=="" then "" else "backlink-transclusion-" `T.append` lid lidSimilarLinkFragment = if lid=="" then "" else "similarlink-transclusion-" `T.append` lid lidLinkBibLinkFragment = if lid=="" then "" else "link-bibliography-transclusion-" `T.append` lid author = authorCollapse aut date = if dt=="" then [] else [Span ("", ["date", "cite-date"], if dateTruncateBad dt /= dt then [("title",T.pack dt)] else []) -- don't set a redundant title [Str (T.pack $ dateTruncateBad dt)]] tags = if ts==[] then [] else [tagsToLinksSpan $ map T.pack ts] backlink = if blp=="" then [] else (if tags==[] then [] else [Str ";", Space]) ++ [Span ("", ["backlinks"], []) [Link ("",["aux-links", "link-page", "id-not", "backlinks"],[]) [Str "backlinks"] (T.pack blp, "Reverse citations for this page.")]] similarlink = if slp=="" then [] else (if blp=="" && tags==[] then [] else [Str ";", Space]) ++ [Span ("", ["similars"], []) [Link ("",["aux-links", "link-page", "id-not", "similars"],[]) [Str "similar"] (T.pack slp, "Similar links for this link (by text embedding).")]] linkBibliography = if lb=="" then [] else (if blp=="" && slp=="" && tags==[] then [] else [Str ";", Space]) ++ [Span ("", ["link-bibliography"], []) [Link ("",["aux-links", "link-page", "id-not", "link-bibliography"],[]) [Str "bibliography"] (T.pack lb, "Link-bibliography for this annotation (list of references/sources/links it cites).")]] doi = kvDOI kvs values = if doi=="" then [] else [("doi",T.pack $ processDOI doi)] link = addRecentlyChanged x $ linkLive $ unsafePerformIO $ localizeLink am $ -- HACK: force archiving & link-living because it is not firing reliably (particularly on Twitter partials); another Raw HTML issue? it's suspicious that we have that RawInline right there… which might disable walks? Link (lid, [if null abst then "link-annotated-partial" else "link-annotated"], values) [RawInline (Format "html") (T.pack tle')] (T.pack f,"") -- make sure every abstract is wrapped in paragraph tags for proper rendering: abst' = if null abst || anyPrefix abst ["

", "" ++ abst ++ "

" in [Para ([link] ++ (if null aut && null date then [] else [Str ","]) ++ author ++ date ++ (if (tags++backlink++similarlink++linkBibliography)==[] then [] else [Str " ("] ++ tags ++ backlink ++ similarlink ++ linkBibliography ++ [Str ")"] ++ (if null abst then [] else [Str "\8288:"]) ))] ++ (if null abst then [] else [BlockQuote [RawBlock (Format "html") (rewriteAnchors f (T.pack abst') `T.append` if (blp++slp++lb)=="" then "" else ((if blp=="" then "" else ("")) `T.append` (if slp=="" then "" else ("")) `T.append` (if lb=="" then "" else (""))) )] ]) ++ generateFileTransclusionBlock am True (f, x) where nonAnnotatedLink :: [Block] nonAnnotatedLink = [Para [Link nullAttr [Str (T.pack f)] (T.pack f, "")]] ++ generateFileTransclusionBlock am True (f, ("",undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined)) -- generate an 'annotation block' except we leave the actual heavy-lifting of 'generating the annotation' to transclude.js, which will pull the popups annotation instead dynamically/lazily at runtime. As such, this is a simplified version of `generateAnnotationBlock`. generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock :: ArchiveMetadata -> (FilePath, MetadataItem) -> [Block] generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock am (f, x@(tle,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = let tle' = if null tle then ""++f++"" else tle -- NOTE: we set this on special-case links like Twitter links anyway, even if they technically do not have 'an annotation'; the JS will handle `.include-annotation` correctly anyway link = linkIcon $ addRecentlyChanged x $ addHasAnnotation x $ Link ("", ["id-not", "include-annotation"], []) [RawInline (Format "html") (T.pack tle')] (T.pack f,"") fileTransclude = if wasAnnotated link then [] else generateFileTransclusionBlock am False (f, ("",undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined)) linkColon = if wasAnnotated link || null fileTransclude then [] else [Str "\8288:"] in Para [Strong (link:linkColon)] : fileTransclude -- transclude a *file* (or possibly a URL) directly, if possible. For example, an image will be displayed by `generateAnnotationTransclusionBlock` as a normal list item with its name & metadata as text, but then the image itself will be displayed immediately following it. `generateFileTransclusionBlock` handles the logic of transcluding each supported file type, as each file will require a different approach. (Image files are supported directly by Pandoc, but video files require raw HTML to be generated, while CSV files must be rendered to HTML etc.) -- -- Collapse behavior: media types are displayed by default everywhere (the user wants to see them immediately because it's easy to see an image etc, and performance-wise they are cheap, because they are either small like images or set to their equivalents of 'lazy loading' like video/audio); document types are collapsed by default everywhere (many users will have no interest and documents like PDFs or HTML can be almost arbitrarily large, like a HTML mirror of "The Forgotten Pixel Art Masterpieces of the PlayStation 1 Era" which due to the animations is fully 183MB!). -- We want to display media (particularly images) by default, so tag-directories can serve as informal 'galleries'; many images will never be seen in pages/annotations, nor do I want to constantly update a 'gallery' page with every single minimally-interesting image, and images are highly suitable for browsing very rapidly through, so it is fine to display all images for scrolling through. -- -- For a list of legal Gwern.net filetypes, see -- Supported: documents/code (most, see `isDocumentViewable`/`isCodeViewable`); images (all except PSD); audio (MP3); video (avi, MP4, WebM, YouTube, except SWF); archive/binary (none) generateFileTransclusionBlock :: ArchiveMetadata -> Bool -> (FilePath, MetadataItem) -> [Block] generateFileTransclusionBlock _ _ x@("", _) = error $ "LM.generateFileTransclusionBlock: called with no URL? " ++ show x -- generateFileTransclusionBlock _ _ x@(_, ("","","","",[],[],"")) = error $ "LM.generateFileTransclusionBlock: called with a completely empty annotation? " ++ show x generateFileTransclusionBlock am alwaysLabelP (f, (tle,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = if null generateFileTransclusionBlock' then [] else [Div ("", ["aux-links-transclude-file"], []) generateFileTransclusionBlock'] where f' = unsafePerformIO $ localizeLinkURL am f localP = isLocal $ T.pack f' liveP = alreadyLive $ linkLiveString f' -- for web pages which are link-live capable, we wish to file-transclude them; this is handled by annotations as usual, but for annotation-less URLs we have the same problem as we do for annotation-less local-file media - #Miscellaneous tag-directories get shafted. So we check for link-live here and force a fallback for links which are live but annotation-less. fileSizeMB = if not localP then 0 else round (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO $ getFileSize $ takeWhile (/='#') $ tail f') / (1000000::Double)) :: Int fileSizeMBString = if fileSizeMB < C.minFileSizeWarning then "" else show fileSizeMB++"MB" fileTypeDescription = if "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" `isPrefixOf` f then "YouTube video" else if "https://x.com/" `isPrefixOf` f && "/status/" `isInfixOf` f then "Tweet" else C.fileExtensionToEnglish $ takeExtension f' fileTypeDescriptionString | fileTypeDescription/="" = fileTypeDescription | liveP && not localP = "External Link" | otherwise = "page" fileDescription = Str $ T.pack $ fileTypeDescriptionString ++ (if null fileSizeMBString then "" else " ("++fileSizeMBString ++ ")") title = if null tle then Code nullAttr (T.pack f') else RawInline (Format "HTML") $ T.pack tle titleCaption = [Strong [Str "View ", fileDescription], Str ":"] dataArguments = if "wikipedia.org/wiki/" `isInfixOf` f' then [("include-template", "$annotationFileIncludeTemplate")] else [] -- use special template to exclude the duplicate title; doesn't apply to Twitter transcludes yet, but if necessary, they can get a custom one too generateFileTransclusionBlock' | isPagePath (T.pack f') = [] -- for essays, we skip the transclude block: transcluding an entire essay is a bad idea! | "wikipedia.org/wiki/" `isInfixOf` f' || ("https://x.com/" `isPrefixOf` f && "/status/" `isInfixOf` f) = [Para [Link ("",["id-not", "include-content"],dataArguments) [title] (T.pack f, "")]] -- NOTE: Twitter/Wikipedia special-case: we link the *original* Twitter URL, to get the JS transform of the local-archive (instead of displaying the local Nitter snapshot in an iframe as a regular web page) -- PDFs cannot be viewed on mobile due to poor mobile browser support + a lack of good PDF → HTML converter, so we have to hide that specifically for mobile. | isDocumentViewable f' || isCodeViewable f' = [Div ("", "collapse":(if ".pdf" `isInfixOf` f' then ["mobile-not"] else []), []) [Para titleCaption, Para [linkIcon $ Link ("", ["id-not", "link-annotated-not", "include-content", "include-lazy"], []) [title] (T.pack f', "")]]] -- TODO: do we need .link-annotated-not set on either of these links? -- image/video/audio: | Image.isImageFilename f' || Image.isVideoFilename f' || hasExtensionS ".mp3" f' || "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" `isPrefixOf` f = -- multimedia can be annotated; if it is (has a title & author etc), we don't need to display additional metadata, and we just display it immediately literally: [Para $ (if alwaysLabelP then [Strong [Str "View ", fileDescription], Str ": "] else []) ++ [Link ("",["link-annotated-not", "include-content", "width-full"],[]) [title] (T.pack f', "")]] | otherwise = if not liveP then [] else [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para titleCaption, Para [linkIcon $ Link ("", ["id-not", "link-annotated-not", "include-content", "include-lazy"], []) [title] (T.pack f', "")]]] -- document types excluded: ebt, epub, mdb, mht, ttf, docs.google.com; cannot be viewed easily in-browser (yet?) isDocumentViewable, isCodeViewable :: FilePath -> Bool isDocumentViewable f = (isLocal (T.pack f) && hasExtensionS ".html" f) || anyInfix f [".json", ".jsonl", ".opml", ".md", ".pdf", ".txt", ".xml"] || -- Pandoc syntax-highlighted or native-browser hasHTMLSubstitute f -- these are converted by LibreOffice to clean HTML versions for preview -- local source files have syntax-highlighted versions we can load. (NOTE: we cannot transclude remote files which match these, because many URLs are not 'cool URIs' and casually include extensions like '.php' or '.js' while being HTML outputs thereof.) isCodeViewable f = isLocal (T.pack f) && anySuffix f [".R", ".css", ".hs", ".js", ".patch", ".sh", ".php", ".conf"] -- we exclude `/static/*/.html` since that's not possible -- config testing: none? too many overlaps fileTranscludesTest :: Metadata -> ArchiveMetadata -> [([Block], [Block])] fileTranscludesTest md am = let testFileTransclude md' am' bool path = let x = fromJustWithError path $ M.lookup path md' in generateFileTransclusionBlock am' bool (path, x) simpleTestEmpty = testFileTransclude md M.empty True simpleTest = testFileTransclude md am simpleTestT = simpleTest True simpleTestF = simpleTest False in -- config test: unique-keys [ (simpleTestT "/review/bakker", []) , (simpleTestF "/review/bakker", []) , (simpleTestF "/index", []) , (simpleTestF "/doc/newest/index", []) , (simpleTestF "/doc/cs/algorithm/1986-aggarwal.pdf", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","pdf"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#f40f02")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "Geometric applications of a matrix searching algorithm"] ("/doc/cs/algorithm/1986-aggarwal.pdf","")]]]]) -- , (simpleTestT "/doc/cs/algorithm/1986-aggarwal.pdf", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","pdf"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#f40f02")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "Geometric applications of a matrix searching algorithm"] ("/doc/cs/algorithm/1986-aggarwal.pdf","")]]]]) , (simpleTestF "/doc/cs/algorithm/1990-galil.pdf", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","pdf"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#f40f02")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "A linear-time algorithm for concave one-dimensional dynamic programming"] ("/doc/cs/algorithm/1990-galil.pdf","")]]]]) , (simpleTestT "/doc/economics/2010-mankiw.pdf", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","pdf"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#f40f02")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution"] ("/doc/economics/2010-mankiw.pdf","")]]]]) , (simpleTestEmpty "https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.03118", []) , (simpleTestT "https://blog.codinghorror.com/if-you-dont-change-the-ui-nobody-notices/", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "External Link"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "If You Don\8217t Change the UI, Nobody Notices: I saw a screenshot a few days ago that made me think Windows 7 Beta might actually be worth checking out."] ("https://blog.codinghorror.com/if-you-dont-change-the-ui-nobody-notices/","")]]]]) , (simpleTestT "https://harpers.org/archive/2022/04/night-shifts-dream-incubation-technology-sleep-research/", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "External Link"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","H"),("link-icon-type","text")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "Night Shifts: Can technology shape our dreams?"] ("https://harpers.org/archive/2022/04/night-shifts-dream-incubation-technology-sleep-research/","")]]]]) , (simpleTestEmpty "https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31274155", []) , (simpleTestEmpty "https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-06-02-0322", []) , (simpleTestEmpty "https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.17137", []) , (simpleTestF "https://arxiv.org/abs/1212.6177", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","\120536"),("link-icon-type","text"),("link-icon-color","#b31b1b")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "How Much of the Web Is Archived?"] ("/doc/www/arxiv.org/b9be349cb3d46669ca7d72f056d7180208257b74.pdf","")]]]]) , (simpleTestF "https://openreview.net/forum?id=-WsBmzWwPee", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse","mobile-not"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "PDF"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","OR"),("link-icon-type","text,sans"),("link-icon-color","#8c1b13")]) [RawInline (Text.Pandoc.Format "HTML") "Realistic Face Reconstruction from Deep Embeddings"] ("/doc/www/openreview.net/f0c4012d829fbd5ff4e6187ce9dc5d3e3e656f89.pdf","")]]]]) , (simpleTestF "/lorem.md", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "Markdown"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","txt"),("link-icon-type","svg")]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/lorem.md"] ("/lorem.md","")]]]]) , (simpleTestF "/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2017-royer-cartoonset-randomsamples.png", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Para [Link ("",["link-annotated-not","include-content","width-full"],[]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2017-royer-cartoonset-randomsamples.png"] ("/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2017-royer-cartoonset-randomsamples.png","")]]]) , (simpleTestT "/doc/ai/nn/diffusion/midjourney/dropcap/dropcat/2023-10-21-gwern-midjourneyv5-cats-dark-mode-hissingkitten-edgeproblems-inverted.jpg", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "JPG"],Str ": ",Link ("",["link-annotated-not","include-content","width-full"],[]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/ai/nn/diffusion/midjourney/dropcap/dropcat/2023-10-21-gwern-midjourneyv5-cats-dark-mode-hissingkitten-edgeproblems-inverted.jpg"] ("/doc/ai/nn/diffusion/midjourney/dropcap/dropcat/2023-10-21-gwern-midjourneyv5-cats-dark-mode-hissingkitten-edgeproblems-inverted.jpg","")]]]) , (simpleTestF "/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2020-03-26-shawnpresser-stylegan2-imagenet-run52-1394688-interpolation-7.mp4", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Para [Link ("",["link-annotated-not","include-content","width-full"],[]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2020-03-26-shawnpresser-stylegan2-imagenet-run52-1394688-interpolation-7.mp4"] ("/doc/ai/nn/gan/stylegan/2020-03-26-shawnpresser-stylegan2-imagenet-run52-1394688-interpolation-7.mp4","")]]]) , (simpleTestT "/doc/anime/eva/notenki-memoirs/blue-blazes/10-3.webm", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "WebM"],Str ": ",Link ("",["link-annotated-not","include-content","width-full"],[]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/anime/eva/notenki-memoirs/blue-blazes/10-3.webm"] ("/doc/anime/eva/notenki-memoirs/blue-blazes/10-3.webm","")]]]) , (simpleTestF "/doc/ai/music/2020-04-18-gpt2-midi-bigdataset-124.mp3", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Para [Link ("",["link-annotated-not","include-content","width-full"],[]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/ai/music/2020-04-18-gpt2-midi-bigdataset-124.mp3"] ("/doc/ai/music/2020-04-18-gpt2-midi-bigdataset-124.mp3","")]]]) , (simpleTestF 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"spreadsheet"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","spreadsheet"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#1ba566")]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/dual-n-back/2012-05-30-kundu-dnbrapm.xls"] ("/doc/dual-n-back/2012-05-30-kundu-dnbrapm.xls","")]]]]) , (simpleTestT "/doc/genetics/heritable/2015-polderman-supplement-2.xlsx", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "spreadsheet"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","spreadsheet"),("link-icon-type","svg"),("link-icon-color","#1ba566")]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/genetics/heritable/2015-polderman-supplement-2.xlsx"] ("/doc/genetics/heritable/2015-polderman-supplement-2.xlsx","")]]]]) , (simpleTestT "/doc/ai/music/2019-12-22-gpt2-preferencelearning-gwern-abcmusic.patch", [Div ("",["aux-links-transclude-file"],[]) [Div ("",["collapse"],[]) [Para [Strong [Str "View ",Str "patch"],Str ":"],Para [Link ("",["id-not","link-annotated-not","include-content","include-lazy"],[("link-icon","code"),("link-icon-type","svg")]) [Code ("",[],[]) "/doc/ai/music/2019-12-22-gpt2-preferencelearning-gwern-abcmusic.patch"] ("/doc/ai/music/2019-12-22-gpt2-preferencelearning-gwern-abcmusic.patch","")]]]]) ] where fromJustWithError :: (Show k, Ord k) => k -> Maybe v -> v fromJustWithError key maybeVal = fromMaybe (error $ "fromJust: Key not found: " ++ show key) maybeVal -- annotations, like , often link to specific sections or anchors, like 'I clean the data with [Discriminator Ranking](#discriminator-ranking)'; when transcluded into other pages, these links are broken. But we don't want to rewrite the original abstract as `[Discriminator Ranking](/face#discriminator-ranking)` to make it absolute, because that screws with section-popups/link-icons! So instead, when we write out the body of each annotation inside the link bibliography, while we still know what the original URL was, we traverse it looking for any links starting with '#' and rewrite them to be absolute: -- WARNING: because of the usual RawBlock/Inline(HTML) issues, reading with Pandoc doesn't help - it just results in RawInline elements which still need to be parsed somehow. I settled for a braindead string-rewrite; in annotations, there shouldn't be *too* many cases where the href=# pattern shows up without being a div link… rewriteAnchors :: FilePath -> T.Text -> T.Text rewriteAnchors f = T.pack . replace "href=\"#" ("href=\""++f++"#") . T.unpack -- find all instances where I link "https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.5401" when it should be "https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.5401#deepmind", where they are inconsistent and the hash matches a whitelist of orgs. findDuplicatesURLsByAffiliation :: Metadata -> [(String, [String])] findDuplicatesURLsByAffiliation md = let urls = nubOrd . filter ('.' `elem`) $ map (\(u,_) -> u) $ M.toList md urlDB = M.fromListWith (++) $ map (\u -> (takeWhile (/= '#') u, [u])) urls affiliationURLPatterns = (map (\org -> "#"++org) Config.LinkID.affiliationAnchors) ++ (map (\org -> "org="++org) Config.LinkID.affiliationAnchors) affiliationWhitelist = ["page=", "lilianweng.github.io"] affiliationURLs = M.filter (\vs -> any (\v -> anyInfix v affiliationURLPatterns) vs) urlDB in M.toList $ M.filter (\v -> length (filter (\v' -> not (anyInfix v' affiliationWhitelist)) v) > 1) affiliationURLs -- how do we handle files with appended data, which are linked like '/doc/reinforcement-learning/model-free/2020-bellemare.pdf#google' but exist as files as '/doc/reinforcement-learning/model-free/2020-bellemare.pdf'? We can't just look up the *filename* because it's missing the # fragment, and the annotation is usually for the full path including the fragment. If a lookup fails, we fallback to looking for any annotation with the file as a *prefix*, and accept the first match. lookupFallback :: Metadata -> String -> (FilePath, MetadataItem) lookupFallback m u = case M.lookup u m of Nothing -> tryPrefix Just ("","","",_,_,_,"") -> tryPrefix Just mi -> (u,mi) where tryPrefix = let possibles = M.filterWithKey (\url _ -> u `isPrefixOf` url && url /= u) m u' = if M.size possibles > 0 then fst $ head $ M.toList possibles else u in (if (".md" `isInfixOf` u') || (u == u') then (u, ("", "", "", "", [], [], "")) else -- sometimes the fallback is useless eg, a link to a section will trigger a 'longer' hit, like -- '/review/cat.md' will trigger a fallback to /review/cat#fuzz-testing'; the -- longer hit will also be empty, usually, and so not better. We check for that case and return -- the original path and not the longer path. let possibleFallback = lookupFallback m u' in if snd possibleFallback == ("", "", "", "", [], [], "") then (u, ("", "", "", "", [], [], "")) else (u',snd possibleFallback)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sortItemDate :: [MetadataItem] -> [MetadataItem] sortItemDate = reverse . sortBy (flip compare `on` third) sortItemPathDate :: [(Path,(MetadataItem,String))] -> [(Path,(MetadataItem,String))] sortItemPathDate = reverse . sortBy (flip compare `on` (third . fst . snd)) third :: (a,b,c,d,dc,e,f) -> c third (_,_,rd,_,_,_,_) = rd sortItemPathDateCreated :: MetadataList -> MetadataList sortItemPathDateCreated = sortBy (flip compare `on` (fourth . snd)) fourth :: (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) -> d fourth (_,_,_,th,_,_,_) = th sortItemPathDateModified :: MetadataList -> MetadataList sortItemPathDateModified = reverse . sortBy (flip compare `on` (fourth . snd)) -- Modified version of `sortItemPathDateModified`: sort by date modified and then (within date) by path sortItemDateModified :: MetadataList -> MetadataList sortItemDateModified = sortBy (\(pathA, itemA) (pathB, itemB) -> let dateCompare = compare (fourth itemB) (fourth itemA) in if dateCompare == EQ then compare pathA pathB else dateCompare)