{- LinkArchive.hs: module for generating Pandoc external links which are rewritten to a local static mirror which cannot break or linkrot—if something's worth linking, it's worth hosting! Author: Gwern Branwen Date: 2019-11-20 When: Time-stamp: "2024-07-04 20:37:25 gwern" License: CC-0 Dependencies: pandoc, filestore, tld, pretty; runtime: SingleFile CLI extension, Chromium, wget, etc (see `linkArchive.sh`) -} {- Local Mirror design: Because link rot has proven difficult to keep up with on `gwern.net` using [ordinary reactive link archiving methods](https://gwern.net/archiving), I am switching to *pre-emptive archiving*: for most external links on Gwern.net, they will now point to a local (stored on Gwern.net) mirror of the original external link as the default. As the cost of disk/bandwidth falls while the value of human attention increases, if something is worth linking, it is worth hosting—assuming good tooling. The local mirror will be a self-contained static HTML copy which cannot linkrot (unless Gwern.net itself goes down in which case the issue is largely moot). The local mirrors will, aside from being infinitely more reliable, also be faster for the reader to load & browse, as they will be loaded from the current domain's CDN and are the final DOMs saved using adblock etc (benefiting the large fraction of Gwern.net readers who do not have ad blockers installed). The implementation strategy is, similar to the [link popups](https://gwern.net/static/build/LinkMetadata.hs), a Pandoc Hakyll plugin which at Markdown → HTML compile-time traverses the Markdown AST for non-whitelisted external links, looks for a local mirror of each one, create a local mirror via SingleFile (https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile/) if necessary, and rewrites the link to point to the local mirror. Details: - at compile-time, [`hakyll.hs`](https://gwern.net/static/build/hakyll.hs) reads the local database, and feeds it into a `localizeLink` function which walks the Pandoc AST and processes all external links - mirror metadata is stored in a local database (a Haskell association list read in as a [`Data.Map`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers- for now, like the popup previews) with the schema: `(URL, MIRROR_FILE, FIRST_SEEN, MIRRORED_SUCCESSFULLY)` - links are checked against a whitelist of domains to exclude, where mirroring is either unnecessary or undesirable: arxiv.org, Wikipedia, Gwern.net, lesswrong.com, HN, Nature, Youtube etc. (Primary exclusion reasons: services, interactive pages, pages which are too hard to snapshot, pages which are too large due to inline media, domains which are stable & not at linkrot risk, pages which are inherently updated frequently & archiving is not helpful.) - links are only mirrored _n_ days after first being seen, giving them time to reach a finalized form (eg. blog post discussions); if there is no entry in the database, one is made with the current date as `FIRST_SEEN` and the link is skipped; if an entry with `FIRST_SEEN` exists and the current date is ≥ _n_ days later and `MIRROR_FILE` does not exist, then unless `Failed` is false (indicating the previous mirror attempt failed and it's probably a permanently broken link which must be updated manually), it is mirrored and rewritten, otherwise, just rewritten - Only a few URLs should be mirrored each time. Simply downloading *all* links turns out to have a lot of undesired consequences: bulk-adds of PDFs will trigger anti-bot defenses & corrupt PDFs requiring extremely labor-intensive checks & repairs; and manual review of a dozen simultaneous HTML snapshots can come at unwelcome, stressed-out times (which is _muri_). - mirrors are made using SingleFile, which runs Chromium to serialize a DOM - PDFs are just downloaded unconditionally because they are so easy to archive - Why SingleFile instead of Chromium's screenshot mode, which is built-in & easy to use? Because Chromium screenshot mode is deliberately crippled and will never support extensions or cookies. Why do I want mirroring to be done with extensions & cookies? I want extensions because if I don't use uBlock, the mirrored versions will be stuffed full of malware, tracking code, and ads; and if I don't use a 'kill sticky' extension, thousands of mirrored pages will have giant "Please click here to accept cookies / GDPR / sign up for our newsletter / ill-thought-through floating-headers" obscuring the entire page. (I won't use NoScript because in whitelist mode, NoScript breaks a large fraction of all websites currently, and going through and adding the necessary whitelists is infeasible; I have to rely on uBlock to get rid of bad JS.) And I want cookies because this allows cookies for logins (eg. subreddits marked NSFW like the darknet market ones) rather than archiving useless login wall pages. - mirrors are saved to `wiki/doc/www/$DOMAIN($URL)/SHA1($URL).html`; the additional nesting by domain name is necessary to allow CSS link annotations to match rewritten links - `/doc/www/` is excluded from the `sitemap.xml` & `sync-gwern.net` compile-time checks, blocked in `robots.txt`, `rel="canonical"` is set in the mirrors by SingleFile, additional`rel="archive nofollow"` attributes are set on each link when used in Gwern.net, and noarchive/noindex/nofollow/nocache are set as HTTP headers by nginx for `/doc/www/`; exposing thousands of mirrors to the rest of the Internet risks causing SEO issues, high bandwidth consumption, and legal or social problems - links are rewritten to point the `href` to `wiki/doc/www/$DOMAIN($URL)/SHA1($URL).html`; like inflation-adjustments or link popups, the original `href` is stored as a span (eg. `foo` → `foo`) WARNING: the details here are in flux, as we try to eliminate linkrot/external links by linking local archives where they exist, but we also want to avoid users copy-pasting those URLs rather than the original, canonical URLs. (The local archive URLs are fragile and cause other problems; for example, they make my writing a lot harder as I can no longer search using a URL I right-click because all of the references in Markdown or annotations will be to the original URL, not the current local archive in `/doc/www/`.) Our current attempt as of July 2024 is to link in the HTML source to the local archive, `href=archive`, but then on page load, the links will be rewritten by JS to `href=original`. This should in theory give the best of both worlds. - the `data-url-original` metadata is used by `popups.js` to add to link popups a '[original]' hyperlink (using the JS templating, something like `

…"Title" [original]…

`) There are approximately 30k external links on Gwern.net as of October 2019, of which perhaps 5k need to be mirrored; I estimate this will take up somewhere on the order of ~50GB and add a few dollars to S3 hosting costs. (After exclusions, my archive was 5,300 links (excluding optional PDFs) / 20GB in February 2020. It has grown to 14,352 / 47G as of 2023-03-09.) But it'll be worth it to forestall thousands of dying links, regular reader frustration, and a considerable waste of my time every month dealing with the latest broken links. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module LinkArchive (localizeLink, manualArchive, readArchiveMetadata, readArchiveMetadataAndCheck, testLinkRewrites, localizeLinkURL, ArchiveMetadata) where import Control.Monad (filterM, unless) import Data.Either (isLeft) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (toList, fromList, insert, lookup, toAscList, union, filter, size) import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, sortOn, sort) import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO (readFile) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack, append, Text) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as U (toString) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitFailure, ExitSuccess)) import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, fileSize) import Data.FileStore.Utils (runShellCommand) import Network.URI.TLD (parseTLD) -- tld import Text.Pandoc (Inline(Link), nullAttr) import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow) import Data.ByteString.Base16 (encode) -- base16-bytestring import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 (hash) -- cryptohash import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack) import System.FilePath (takeFileName) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently) import LinkMetadataTypes (ArchiveMetadataItem, ArchiveMetadataList, ArchiveMetadata, Path) import Config.Misc as CM (cd, todayDay) import Utils (writeUpdatedFile, putStrStdErr, green, printRed', printGreen) import qualified Config.LinkArchive as C (whiteList, transformURLsForArchiving, transformURLsForLinking, transformURLsForMobile, archiveDelay, isCheapArchive, localizeLinkTestDB, localizeLinktestCases) localizeLink :: ArchiveMetadata -> Inline -> IO Inline localizeLink adb (Link (identifier, classes, pairs) b (targetURL, targetDescription)) = do targetURL' <- fmap T.pack $ rewriteLink adb $ T.unpack targetURL let mobileURL = T.pack $ C.transformURLsForMobile $ T.unpack targetURL cleanURL = T.pack $ C.transformURLsForLinking $ T.unpack targetURL -- NOTE: because the archive database is checked before the whitelist or `.archive-not` class, the archive database now overrides the whitelist or transforms archiveAttributes = if C.whiteList (T.unpack targetURL) || "archive-not" `elem` classes || targetURL == targetURL' then [] else [("data-url-archive", "/" `T.append` targetURL'), ("data-url-original", targetURL)] allAttributes = archiveAttributes ++ (if mobileURL == targetURL then [] else [("data-href-mobile", mobileURL)]) ++ (if cleanURL == targetURL then [] else [("data-url-html", cleanURL)]) let archiveAnnotatedLink = Link (identifier, nubOrd classes, nubOrd (sort (pairs++allAttributes))) b (if null archiveAttributes then targetURL else ("/"`T.append`targetURL'), targetDescription) return archiveAnnotatedLink localizeLink _ x = return x -- simplified `localizeLink`: simply return the value of `data-url-archive` if it would exist when a Link with a given URL is rewritten by `localizeLink`. localizeLinkURL :: ArchiveMetadata -> FilePath -> IO FilePath localizeLinkURL adb url = do (Link (_,_,kvs) _ _) <- localizeLink adb (Link nullAttr [] (T.pack url,"")) case lookup "data-url-archive" kvs of Nothing -> return url Just url' -> return $ T.unpack url' testLinkRewrites :: IO [(Inline, Inline)] testLinkRewrites = filterNotEqual $ mapM (\(u, results) -> do linkActual <- localizeLink C.localizeLinkTestDB (l u) return (l' u results, linkActual) ) C.localizeLinktestCases where filterNotEqual :: IO [(Inline, Inline)] -> IO [(Inline, Inline)] filterNotEqual values = filterM (\(x, y) -> return (x /= y)) =<< values l :: T.Text -> Inline l url = Link nullAttr [] (url, "") l' :: T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text, T.Text, [T.Text]) -> Inline l' url ("", mobile, html, classes) = Link ("", classes, filter (\(_,b) -> b/="") (sort [("data-href-mobile", mobile), ("data-url-html", html)])) [] (url, "") l' url (archive, mobile, html, classes) = Link ("", classes, filter (\(_,b) -> b/="") (sort [("data-url-archive", archive), ("data-href-mobile", mobile), ("data-url-html", html), ("data-url-original", url)])) [] (archive, "") -- archive the first _n_ links which are due, and all pending 'cheap' archives. -- Can be scripted like `$ cd ~/wiki/ && ghci -istatic/build/ ./static/build/LinkArchive.hs -e 'manualArchive 10'` manualArchive :: Int -> IO () manualArchive n | n < 1 = error $ "manualArchive called with no work to do (𝑛 = " ++ show n ++ "); this was probably a mistake?" | otherwise = do adb <- readArchiveMetadataAndCheck today <- CM.todayDay let adbPendingAll = M.filter isLeft adb print $ "All pending URLs: " ++ show (M.size adbPendingAll) let adbPending = M.filter (archiveItemDue today) adbPendingAll let itemsWithDates = [(url, date) | (url, Left date) <- M.toList adbPending] let cheapItems = filter (\(u,_) -> C.isCheapArchive u) itemsWithDates unless (null cheapItems) $ putStrLn ("Cheap: " ++ show cheapItems) let sortedItems = take n $ Data.List.sortOn snd itemsWithDates unless (null sortedItems) $ putStrLn ("𝑛 due: " ++ show sortedItems) let urlsToArchive = nubOrd $ map fst $ cheapItems ++ sortedItems adbExecuted <- mapConcurrently archiveItem urlsToArchive let adb' = M.union (M.fromList $ zip urlsToArchive adbExecuted) adb writeArchiveMetadata adb' archiveItemDue :: Integer -> ArchiveMetadataItem -> Bool archiveItemDue _ (Right _) = False -- already been tried archiveItemDue date (Left firstSeen) = (date - firstSeen) < C.archiveDelay archiveItem :: String -> IO ArchiveMetadataItem archiveItem url = do let url' = C.transformURLsForArchiving url archive <- archiveURL url' return (Right archive) insertLinkIntoDB :: ArchiveMetadataItem -> String -> IO () insertLinkIntoDB a url = do adb <- readArchiveMetadata let adb' = M.insert url a adb writeArchiveMetadata adb' writeArchiveMetadata :: ArchiveMetadata -> IO () writeArchiveMetadata adb = writeUpdatedFile "archive-metadata-auto.db.hs" "metadata/archive.hs" (T.pack $ ppShow $ M.toAscList adb) -- fast path: readArchiveMetadata :: IO ArchiveMetadata readArchiveMetadata = do CM.cd pdlString <- (fmap T.unpack $ TIO.readFile "metadata/archive.hs") :: IO String case (readMaybe pdlString :: Maybe ArchiveMetadataList) of Nothing -> error $ "Failed to read metadata/archive.hs. First 10k characters of read string: " ++ take 10000 pdlString Just pdl -> return $ M.fromList pdl -- slow path with error-checking: -- TODO: refactor into a pure check, which just checks URL/URI, and an IO check, which checks file existences. readArchiveMetadataAndCheck :: IO ArchiveMetadata readArchiveMetadataAndCheck = do pdl <- readArchiveMetadata -- check for failed archives: pdl' <- filterM (\(p,ami) -> case ami of Right (Just "") -> printRed' "Error! Invalid empty archive link: " (show p ++ " : " ++ show ami) >> return False Right u@(Just ('/':'/':_)) -> printRed' "Error! Invalid double-slash archive link: " (show p ++ show ami ++ show u) >> return False Right (Just u) -> if not ("http" `isPrefixOf` p || "\n" `isInfixOf` p) then printGreen "Warning: Did a local link slip in somehow? (this will be removed automatically): " >> print (show p ++ show u ++ show ami) >> return False else if isNothing (parseTLD p) then printRed' "Error! Invalid URI link in archive? " (show p ++ show u ++ show ami) >> return False else do let filepath = takeWhile (/='#') u exists <- doesFileExist filepath unless exists $ error ("Archive file not found: " ++ filepath ++ " (original path in archive.hs: " ++ u ++ "; original tuple: " ++ show (p,ami) ++ ")") size <- getFileStatus filepath >>= \s -> return $ fileSize s if size == 0 then printRed' "Error! Empty archive file. Not using: " (show p ++ show u ++ show ami) >> return False else if size > 1024 then return True else return False Right Nothing -> return True Left _ -> return True) $ M.toList pdl let pdl'' = filter (\(p,_) -> "http" `isPrefixOf` p && not (C.whiteList p)) pdl' -- for mismatches, we know they were archived before, so we should archive them ASAP: let pdl''' = map (\(p,ami) -> if checksumIsValid p ami then (p,ami) else (p, Left 0)) pdl'' return $ M.fromList pdl''' -- When we rewrite links to fix link rot, archive.hs can become stale: it records a failed archive of the old URL, and doesn't know there's a new URL because archive.hs was rewritten with the rest of Gwern.net. -- But since the checksum is deterministically derived from the URL, the checksum of the URL will no longer match the checksum encoded in the file name. -- So when there is a mismatch, we can drop that entry, deleting it, and now the new URL will get picked up as a fresh URL entered into the archive queue. checksumIsValid :: Path -> ArchiveMetadataItem -> Bool checksumIsValid _ (Left _) = True checksumIsValid _ (Right Nothing) = True checksumIsValid url (Right (Just file)) = let derivedChecksum = Data.ByteString.Char8.unpack $ Data.ByteString.Base16.encode $ Crypto.Hash.SHA1.hash $ Data.ByteString.Char8.pack (C.transformURLsForArchiving (takeWhile (/='#') url) ++ "\n") storedChecksum = takeWhile (/= '.') $ takeFileName file in derivedChecksum == storedChecksum -- rewriteLink: -- 1. Skip whitelisted URLs. -- 2. Access what we know about the URL, defaulting to "First I've heard of it.". -- 3. If not seen before, insert into the archive DB with the current date as 'first-seen' -- 4. Else, return archive path. rewriteLink :: ArchiveMetadata -> String -> IO String rewriteLink adb url = fromMaybe url <$> if C.whiteList url then return Nothing else case M.lookup url adb of Nothing -> do today <- todayDay Nothing <$ insertLinkIntoDB (Left today) url Just (Left _) -> return Nothing Just (Right (Just "")) -> printRed' "Error! Tried to return a link to a non-existent archive! " url >> return Nothing Just (Right archive) -> return archive -- take a URL, archive it, and if successful return the hashed path archiveURL :: String -> IO (Maybe Path) archiveURL l = do let args = if C.isCheapArchive l then ["--no-preview", l] else [l] (exit,stderr',stdout) <- runShellCommand "./" Nothing "linkArchive.sh" args case exit of ExitSuccess -> do let result = U.toString stdout putStrStdErr (green "Archiving (LinkArchive.hs): " ++ l ++ green " returned: " ++ result ++ "\n") if result == "" then return Nothing else do let filepath = takeWhile (/='#') result exists <- doesFileExist filepath unless exists $ error ("LinkArchive.hs:archiveURL: Archived file not found: " ++ filepath ++ " (original path returned by linkArchive.sh: " ++ result ++ " for URL: " ++ l ++ "); this should never happen.") return $ Just result ExitFailure _ -> printRed' "LA: archiving script failed to run correctly: " (l ++ " result: " ++ U.toString stderr') >> return Nothing