{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Inflation (nominalToRealInflationAdjuster, nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML, inflationDollarTestSuite) where -- InflationAdjuster -- Author: gwern -- Date: 2019-04-27 -- When: Time-stamp: "2024-11-01 18:30:02 gwern" -- License: CC-0 -- -- Experimental Pandoc module for fighting by -- implementing automatic inflation adjustment of nominal date-stamped dollar or Bitcoin amounts to -- provide real prices; Bitcoin's exchange rate has moved by multiple orders of magnitude over its -- early years (rendering nominal amounts deeply unintuitive), and this is particularly critical in -- any economics or technology discussion where a nominal price from 1950 is 11x the 2019 real -- price! (Misunderstanding of inflation may be getting worse over time: -- ) -- Prior art: minimal. Most nominal amounts are never inflation-adjusted, and where they are, the author -- usually settles for either replacing the number, using an ad hoc currency unit like '$2012', or -- verbosely putting it in parentheses, like '$10 ($100 in 2019)'. -- (My approach may have been inspired by the 2008 Wikipedia template: .) -- -- Years/dates are specified in a variant of my interwiki link syntax (see Interwiki.hs); for example: '[$50]($2000)' -- or '[₿0.5](₿2017-01-01)'. -- As a backup syntax (eg. for use inside link anchor texts), one can write it as a span -- like '[$50]{inflation=$2000)' (ie. `$50`). -- Dollar amounts use year, and Bitcoins use full dates, as the greater -- temporal resolution is necessary. Inflation rates/exchange rates are specified in Inflation.hs -- and need to be manually updated every once in a while; if out of date, the last available rate is -- carried forward for future adjustments. -- -- Dollar-years may range 1913–∞, although future years may be meaningless. -- Dollars are inflation-adjusted using the CPI from 1913 to 1958, then the Personal Consumption -- Expenditures (PCE) Index thereafter, which is recommended by the Federal Reserve and others as -- more accurately reflecting consumer behavior & welfare than the CPI. -- -- Bitcoins are exchange-rate-adjusted using a mix of Pizza Day, historical exchange rates, and -- Poloniex daily dumps, and their dollar-equivalent inflation-adjusted to the current year. Rates -- are linearly interpolated for missing in-between dates, and carried forwards/backwards when -- outside of the provided dataset of daily exchange rates. -- -- For discussion of other possible ways to adjust currency amounts or stocks, see . {- Examples: Markdown → HTML: '[$50.50]($1970)' → '$50.501970$343.83' Testbed: Dollar inflation example: $ echo '[$50.50]($1970)' | pandoc -w native [Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "$50.50"] ("$1970","")]] > nominalToRealInflationAdjuster $ Link ("",[],[]) [Str "$50.50"] ("$1970","") Span ("",["inflation-adjusted"],[("year-original","1970"),("amount-original","50.50"),("year-current","2020"),("amount-current","231.18"),("title","CPI inflation-adjusted US dollar: from nominal $50.50 in 1970 \8594 real $231.18 in 2020")]) [Str "$231.18",Span ("",["subsup"],[]) [Superscript [Str "$50.50"],Subscript [Str "1970"]]] $ echo '' | pandoc -f native -w html $231.181970$50.50 Bitcoin deflation example: $ echo '[₿50.50](₿2017-01-1)' | pandoc -w native [Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "\8383\&50.50"] ("\8383\&2017-01-1","")]] > :set -XOverloadedStrings > bitcoinAdjuster (Link ("",[],[]) [Str "\8383\&50.50"] ("\8383\&2017-01-01","")) Span ("",["inflation-adjusted"],[("year-original","2017-01-01"),("amount-original","50.50"),("year-current","2020"),("amount-current","56,617"),("title","Exchange-rate-adjusted currency: \8383\&50.50 in 2017-01-01 \8594 $56,617")]) [Str "$56,617",Span ("",["subsup"],[]) [Superscript [Str "\8383\&50.50"],Subscript [Str "2017"]]] $ echo 'Span ("",["inflation-adjusted"],[("year-original","2017-01-01"),("amount-original","50.50"),("year-current","2020"),("amount-current","56,617"),("title","Inflation-adjusted currency: from \8383\&50.50 in 2017-01-01 \8594 $56,617 in 2020")]) [Str "\\$56,617",Math InlineMath "_{\\text{2017}}^{\\text{\8383\&50.50}}"]' | pandoc -f native -w html $56,6172017₿50.50 $ echo '[$100]{inflation=$2024}' | pandoc -w native [ Para [ Span ( "" , [] , [ ( "inflation" , "$2024" ) ] ) [ Str "$100" ] ] ] $ echo '[$100]{inflation=$2024}' | pandoc -w html


-} import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Text.Pandoc (nullAttr, Inline(Link, Span, Str, Subscript, Superscript)) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M (findMax, findMin, fromList, lookup, lookupGE, lookupLE, mapWithKey, Map) import qualified Data.Text as T (head, length, pack, unpack, tail, Text) import Config.Misc (currentYear) import Metadata.Format (printDouble) import Metadata.Date (isDate) import Utils (inlinesToText, replace, replaceChecked, sed, toHTML, delete) import Config.Inflation as C -- ad hoc dollar-only string-munging version of `nominalToRealInflationAdjuster`, which attempts to parse out an amount and adjust it to a specified date. -- Intended for use with titles of annotations where dates are available. -- WARNING: must be used *after* `typesetHtmlField` / `titlecase'`, as they may break the inline HTML s. nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML :: String -> String -> String nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML _ "" = "" nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML "" s = s nominalToRealInflationAdjusterHTML date s | '$' `notElem` s = s -- no possible amount to adjust | " Inline nominalToRealInflationAdjuster x@(Span (a, b, [(k, v)]) inlines) = if k /= "inflation" then x else nominalToRealInflationAdjuster (Link (a,b,[]) inlines (v,"")) nominalToRealInflationAdjuster x@(Link _ _ ("", _)) = error $ "Inflation adjustment (Inflation.hs: nominalToRealInflationAdjuster) failed on malformed link: " ++ show x nominalToRealInflationAdjuster x@(Link _ _ (ts, _)) | t == '$' = dollarAdjuster currentYear x | t == '\8383' = bitcoinAdjuster currentYear x --- official Bitcoin Unicode: '₿'/'\8383'; obsoletes THAI BAHT SIGN where t = T.head ts nominalToRealInflationAdjuster x = x -- hardwired for 2023 results. inflationDollarTestSuite :: [((T.Text, -- test-case: Amount T.Text), -- test-case: Original Year Inline, -- Expected result Inline)] -- Actual result (which ≠ Expected) inflationDollarTestSuite = filter (\(_,expect,result) -> expect/=result) $ map (\((t,y), expected) -> ((t,y), expected, dollarAdjuster 2023 (Link ("",[],[]) [Str t] (y, "")))) C.inflationDollarLinkTestCases -- TODO: refactor dollarAdjuster/bitcoinAdjuster - they do *almost* the same thing, aside from handling year vs dates dollarAdjuster :: Int -> Inline -> Inline dollarAdjuster _ l@(Link _ _ ("", _)) = error $ "Inflation.hs: dollarAdjuster: Inflation adjustment failed on malformed link (no old-date specified): " ++ show l dollarAdjuster currentyear l@(Link _ text (oldYears, _)) = -- if the adjustment is tags for possible CSS/JS processing [("year-original",oldYear),("amount-original",T.pack oldDollarString), ("year-current",T.pack $ show currentyear),("amount-current",T.pack adjustedDollarString), ("title", T.pack ("CPI inflation-adjusted US dollar: from nominal $"++oldDollarString'++" in "++T.unpack oldYear++" → real $"++adjustedDollarString++" in "++show currentyear)) ]) -- [Str ("$" ++ oldDollarString), Subscript [Str oldYear, Superscript [Str ("$"++adjustedDollarString)]]] [Str (T.pack $ "$"++adjustedDollarString), Span ("",["subsup"],[]) [Superscript [Str $ T.pack $ "$" ++ oldDollarString'], Subscript [Str oldYear]]] where text' = delete " " $ replace " " "," $ T.unpack $ inlinesToText text -- oldYear = '$1970' → '1970' oldYear = if T.length oldYears /= 5 || T.head oldYears /= '$' then error (show l) else T.tail oldYears -- '$50.50' → '50.50'; '$50.50k' → '50500.0'; '$50.50m' → 5.05e7; '$50.50b' → 5.05e10; '$50.50t' → 5.05e13 oldDollarString = multiplyByUnits l $ filter (/= '$') text' oldDollar = case (readMaybe $ filter (/=',') oldDollarString :: Maybe Double) of { Just d -> d; Nothing -> error ("Inflation: oldDollar: " ++ show l ++ ":" ++ oldDollarString) } oldDollarString' = printDouble 2 oldDollar adjustedDollar = dollarAdjust currentyear oldDollar (T.unpack oldYear) adjustedDollarString = printDouble 2 adjustedDollar dollarAdjuster _ x = x multiplyByUnits :: Inline -> String -> String multiplyByUnits l "" = error $ "Inflation.hs (dollarAdjuster): an empty amount was processed from 'text' variable. Original input: " ++ show l multiplyByUnits l amount = let (unit, rest) = (last amount, read (init $ filter (/=',') amount) :: Double) in -- eg. '100m' → ('m',"100") if unit `elem` ("0123456789"::String) then amount else show $ case unit of 'k' -> rest*1000 'm' -> rest*1000000 'b' -> rest*1000000000 't' -> rest*1000000000000 e -> error $ "Inflation.hs (dollarAdjuster:multiplyByUnits): a malformed unit multiplier appeared in 'text' variable. Attempted unit multiplication by '" ++ show e ++ "'; original: " ++ show l -- dollarAdjust "5.50" "1950" → "59.84" dollarAdjust :: Int -> Double -> String -> Double dollarAdjust cy amount year = case (readMaybe year :: Maybe Int) of Just oldYear -> inflationAdjustUSD amount oldYear cy Nothing -> error (show amount ++ " " ++ year) -- inflationAdjustUSD 1 1950 2019 → 10.88084 -- inflationAdjustUSD 5.50 1950 2019 → 59.84462 inflationAdjustUSD :: Double -> Int -> Int -> Double inflationAdjustUSD d yOld yCurrent = if yOld>=1913 && yCurrent>=1913 then d * totalFactor else d where slice from to xs = take (to - from + 1) (drop from xs) percents = slice (yOld-1913) (yCurrent-1913) C.inflationRatesUSD rates = map (\r -> 1 + (r/100)) percents totalFactor = product rates bitcoinAdjuster :: Int -> Inline -> Inline bitcoinAdjuster _ l@(Link _ _ ("", _)) = error $ "Inflation adjustment (bitcoinAdjuster) failed on malformed link: " ++ show l bitcoinAdjuster currentyear l@(Link _ text (oldDates, _)) = Span ("", ["inflation-adjusted"], [("year-original",oldDate), ("amount-original",T.pack oldBitcoinString), ("year-current",T.pack $ show currentyear), ("amount-current", T.pack adjustedBitcoinString), ("title", T.pack ("Exchange-rate-adjusted currency: \8383"++oldBitcoinString++" in "++T.unpack oldDate++" → $"++adjustedBitcoinString)) ]) [Str (T.pack $ "$"++adjustedBitcoinString), Span ("",["subsup"],[]) [Superscript text, Subscript [Str (T.pack oldYear)]]] where oldDate = if T.length oldDates /= 11 || T.head oldDates /= '\8383' then error (show l) else T.tail oldDates oldBitcoinString = filter (/= '\8383') $ T.unpack $ inlinesToText text oldBitcoin = case (readMaybe (filter (/=',') oldBitcoinString) :: Maybe Double) of Just ob -> ob Nothing -> error (show l) oldYear = take 4 $ T.unpack oldDate -- it takes up too much space to display full dates like '2017-01-01'; readers only really need the year; the exact date is provided in the tooltip oldDollar = bitcoinAdjust currentyear oldBitcoin (T.unpack oldDate) adjustedDollar = dollarAdjust currentyear oldDollar oldYear adjustedBitcoinString = printDouble 2 adjustedDollar -- oldYear = if T.length oldYears /= 5 || T.head oldYears /= '$' then error (show l) else T.tail oldYears -- oldDollarString = multiplyByUnits l $ filter (/= '$') $ T.unpack $ inlinesToText text -- '$50.50' → '50.50'; '$50.50k' → '50500.0'; '$50.50m' → 5.05e7; '$50.50b' → 5.05e10; '$50.50t' → 5.05e13 -- oldDollar = case (readMaybe (filter (/=',') oldDollarString) :: Maybe Double) of -- Just d -> d -- Nothing -> error (show l) -- oldDollarString' = show oldDollar -- adjustedDollar = dollarAdjust oldDollar (T.unpack oldYear) -- adjustedDollarString = show adjustedDollar bitcoinAdjuster _ x = x -- convert to historical USD, and then inflation-adjust the then-exchange rate to the present day for a real value bitcoinAdjust :: Int -> Double -> String -> Double bitcoinAdjust cy oldBitcoinAmount oldDate = let oldExchangeRate = bitcoinQuery cy oldDate in oldBitcoinAmount * oldExchangeRate -- Look up USD/₿ daily exchange rate for a given day using a hardwired exchange rate database; due to the extreme volatility of Bitcoin, yearly exchange rates are not precise enough. -- If the requested date is after the last available date, the last exchange rate is carried forward indefinitely; if the date is inside the database range but not available (due to spotty time-series), linearly interpolate (average) the two nearest rates before & after; if the date is before the first well-known Bitcoin purchase (Pizza Day), carry that backwards indefinitely. bitcoinQuery :: Int -> String -> Double bitcoinQuery cy date = case M.lookup date db of Just rate -> rate -- like inflation rates, we carry forward the last available exchange rate Nothing -> let (lastDate,lastRate) = M.findMax db in let (firstDate,firstRate) = M.findMin db in if date > lastDate then lastRate else if date < firstDate then firstRate else let afterTuple = M.lookupGE date db beforeTuple = M.lookupLE date db in case (afterTuple, beforeTuple) of (Nothing, _) -> error $ "Inflation.bitcoinQuery: after-date lookup failed, this should never happen: " ++ show cy ++ show date ++ show afterTuple ++ show beforeTuple (_, Nothing) -> error $ "Inflation.bitcoinQuery: before-date lookup failed, this should never happen:" ++ show cy ++ show date ++ show afterTuple ++ show beforeTuple (Just (_,after), Just(_,before)) -> (after + before) / 2 where db = bitcoinUSDExchangeRate cy -- the exchange rates are, of course, historical: a 2013 USD/Bitcoin exchange rate is for a *2013* dollar, not a current dollar. So we update to a current dollar. bitcoinUSDExchangeRate :: Int -> M.Map String Double bitcoinUSDExchangeRate cy = M.mapWithKey (\dt amt -> inflationAdjustUSD amt (read (take 4 dt)::Int) cy) (M.fromList bitcoinUSDExchangeRateHistory)