10 years ago we conducted a large CATI study on media use in Germany. Participants were asked to name their favourite game. The interviewers themselves were not necessarily familiar with games at all, so instead they wrote down hilarious stuff like Butterworld and Call of Beauty:

Jan 31, 2023 · 8:51 AM UTC

Replying to @maltoesermalte
Ok, but Call of Booty would make an excellent R-rated title.
Yeah I'd play quite a few of these!
Replying to @maltoesermalte
Show me the way to the city of giros!
It's right next to Donerville
Replying to @maltoesermalte
Coding and cleaning up the titles was definitely one of the funniest work tasks I've ever had. (so long ago!) My personal favorites: President Evil and Meat for Spead
Nothing will ever be funnier to me than Heile Fantasie and Keil of Juti
Sauerbraten auch, insofern der FPS gemeint ist
> world of worldcraft > "something about colored eggs" > unsharted
Replying to @maltoesermalte
My favorites (in no order) Dong Kikong Masterfekt 32 Coal of Duty President Evil 4 GTA von Andreas