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The scale you completed was the "Ethics Positions Questionnaire," developed by Donelson R. Forsyth.

The scale is a measure of how people determine what is moral or immoral along 2 dimensions, idealism and relativism. Idealism is a measure of how willing a person is to consider committing an immoral act in the service of a greater good. Higher scores indicate less willingness to make such sacrifices. Relativism is a measure of how much one subscribes to the idea that morality can vary depending upon situation and culture. Higher scores indicate more willingness to believe that moral principles are not universal.

The idea behind the scale is that, independent of subject matter, some people believe that the nature of morality differs. For people who think that morals are absolute, moral relativists may be labelled immoral while moral relativists may see absolutists as rigid. Similarly, idealists may think that those who are willing to sacrifice principles are unethical, while non-idealists may see idealists as unrealistic and naive. Perhaps understanding these differences at a deeper level can help people who conceive of morality differently see why good intelligent people sometimes disagree.

The graph below shows your gratitude quotient score (in green) compared to those of the average Liberal (in blue) , the average Conservative (in red) , and the average Libertarian (in orange) visitor to this website. The scale runs from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest possible score).

You are a member of the group:LessWrong and those results are shown with the Grey bar.


If you are interested in reading about this further, please see this page on Forsyth's website


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